Book 1 Chapter 19

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19: First kills of fury (2)

After searching for a while, Qin Yu gives up sorrowfully. There is a pair of gloves in the Weapon Storing Warehouse but they do not have separate parts for each finger. Qin Yu simply does not like this kind of gloves because if he were to put them on, he would not be able to use some attacking techniques.

"Alright, I'll make them when I obtain good minerals and materials later." Qin Yu has no choice but to console himself. Then he leaves the Weapon Storing Warehouse.


Horse hooves are running very fast, as if flying. More than 100 horsemen are galloping at top speed on the highway. The leader is a barbarous man who is about 2 m tall and extremely muscular. This man is dressed in a black robe. His whole body is covered in it. His eyes radiate cold rays of light, looking very eerie.


The leading barbarous man suddenly makes a wave with his hand and utters a cold shout. Immediately, the troop of over 100 horsemen suddenly stops.

"Third bro, lead a group of horsemen and seize all the money and women of this village. I'll give you 5 minutes. Second bro and I will be some way ahead. We'll wait for you at Mount Louting over there." The leading horse man instantly gives his order.

"This is just a small village. 5 minutes? This is too much time. Big brother, don't worry! Brothers, go." A very thin one-eyed man with a long narrow scimitar hung on his back utters a loud shout and leads 50 men toward the village not far from there.

Then the barbarous muscular man leads the 2 remaining groups of horsemen and heads directly for Mount Luoting.

Tie Shan, wearing no clothes on the top half of his robust body, is digging the ground in front of the village. Beads of sweat have stood out on his strong back. On one side of him, Xiao Lu is watching the roadside flowers. She is moving her eyes around and indulging in a fantasy.

''Big brother, when will brother Yu return?'' Xiao Lu looks into the sky. There is a layer of dark clouds in it. The weather is obviously not very nice.

Tie Shan says with a smile: ''Xiao Lu, don't worry. Xiao Yu won't forget.'' At this moment, Tie Shan cannot help remembering he asked Qin Yu to help him buy a battle knife. Tie Shan usually likes to practice martial arts in his spare time. What he wishes for the most is a sharp battle knife.

''Ah, horses, brother Yu has come.'' Xiao Lu becomes excited as she looks into the distance.

Tie Shan feels the fierce vibrations on the ground: 'Wrong, it's not one person.'' He takes a careful look and only sees that several tens people are coming at full gallop in the distance. An idea springs to his mind. He cannot help feeling so frightened that he is out of his wits.

''Run fast, Xiao Lu!'' Tie Shan grabs Xiao Lu in a movement and rushes toward the village then turns his head around to take a look. At this moment, several tens mounted bandits have drawn near the village. Every one of them is holding a battle knife in his hand. Tie Shan immediately shouts to the village: ''Mounted bandits are here! Mounted bandits are here!''

Mounted bandits are even more fearsome than ordinary bandits. Because they ride horses, they come without any warning and go without a trace. In addition, they are also more bloodthirsty. Ordinary bandits economize to avoid running short of money, therefore they only rob the surrounding villages a bit. However, it is common for mounted bandits to slaughter a whole village.

Mounted bandits are here!

The whole village gets panicky. All the strong adults stay in their rooms with weapons in their hands, whether iron shovels or firewood chopping knives, while children, old people and women hide behind them.

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