Fun And Games

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Summary: you and Daisy play computer games with Mack :) Happy Chrismas Eve to everyone celebrating!

''Did you just kill me?!'' You exclaimed, dropping your controller in your lap and turning to your girlfriend frustratingly. ''I'm on your team!''

Daisy chuckled, keeping her eyes on the TV. ''I'm sorry. I'm still trying to get the hang of this.''

However, her skillful actions with the controller told you otherwise.

''You have been doing this for months!'' You persisted. You weren't going to let this go easily. Your team was so close to winning, something you hadn't achieved yet. ''I've been doing this for a couple weeks and even I know which people are in my team and which aren't!''

Mack spoke up from your other side, an amused smile on his lips. ''She's right Tremors. It was a dick move.''

You gestured to him excessively. ''Thank you!''

''But it was a nice headshot,'' he continued.

Daisy joined Mack's laughter. Both of them trying to stay alive in the game while chuckling uncontrollably. 

You snapped back to the tall man next to you, the controller looking tiny in his big hands. ''Hey! You're supposed to take my side in this,'' you pouted, slouching further down into the couch.

Daisy finally felt a little sorry for you and quickly patted your leg. ''Sorry babe, you made it too easy and this reaction is so worth getting ignored for the rest of the day.''

''I hate you,'' you mumbled, standing up to get some more drinks for everyone. 

Friday evening was game night. It was a holy time for both Mack and Daisy and you had finally given into her pleads to come join you both. 

At first you thought it wasn't for you, but you had quickly realized you liked it and was quite good at it. You were also very fanatical, which sometimes sucked for the other two.

Daisy called after you when you stood up from the couch. ''Hey, where are you going?''

Without turning around, you answered her. ''To get some more beer. I'm going to need it.''

While you grabbed the drinks out of the fridge and removed the bottle caps, you watched the two people on the couch. They were joking and yelling all kinds of warnings at each other. It was even better to watch them than to play with them. 

Seeing your girlfriend so relaxed and laughing warmed your heart. It was what your life was all about, making her happy.

They didn't miss you, way too occupied with their game, so you took your time to enjoy this moment. That was until Mack started groaning and Daisy raised her hands in victory, shooting up on the couch.

''Yes! Finally, I beat you!'' She exclaimed, turning to find you in the kitchen. ''Babe did you see that? I won!''

You chuckled, walking back to them with three beers in your hand. One you gave to Mack who could use a comfort drink, the other you set on the table because Daisy was way too exhilarated to handle a drink.

''You're adorable,'' you smiled at her.

''Does that mean you're not angry anymore?'' She asked hopefully, Mack chuckling behind you. He was silently starting a new game, not prepared to end this night with a loss.

You shook your head, grabbing your controller and settling back into the couch. ''No. I am definitely still angry,'' you smirked.

Daisy's eyes widened and she looked over your head. ''Mack, please take her in your team. I'm scared now.''

You scoffed, getting ready for the next round. ''You think I'll ever want to be in your team again? First thing I'm going to do is look for you.''

''Oh shit,'' Daisy whispered just as the game started.

You almost got killed a couple times while on your revenge tour. You didn't care about anything or anyone else than taking revenge on your girl. As soon as her character came into view, you aimed and shot her down easily.

''Ha!'' You celebrated as Daisy groaned loudly, muttering complaints. ''Now we're even.''

The other agents walking in and out of the common room looked at the three of you with different emotions. Some of them smiled at your enthusiasm, knowing Friday was game night for the three of you. While other, newer agents thought it weird.

What you didn't expect was for Daisy to jump you, tackling you into the couch. Trying to avoid crashing into Mack, you rolled off the couch, taking her down with you.

You vaguely heard Mack groan from his spot. These games included a lot of flirting he would rather not hear or see, although he was secretly very happy for you both and didn't actually mind it.

You currently couldn't care less about him or the game though, because Daisy's face was hoovering so close to yours it took your breath away. 

She looked into your eyes while you couldn't stop staring at her lips. 

''I'm still mad,'' you breathed out, the loudest voice you could manage at the moment.

Daisy hummed knowingly. She was well aware of the effect she had on you. ''Sure you are.''

Mack nudged the both of you softly with his foot. ''Stop flirting and get back here. You can save that for the bedroom.''

Daisy quickly kissed you and pushed herself off you, offering you her hand that you accepted gratefully. ''Don't be jealous, Mack. There are plenty of hugs to go around,'' she joked as she fell back into her seat.

Mack pulled a weird face. ''I'm not jealous. It is just very hard to concentrate on the game when you're sucking each other's faces off next to me.''

You patted his arm apologetically. ''Sorry man. How about I try not to beat your ass at Mario Kart.''

He turned to you offended while Daisy laughed at his reaction. ''You suck at Mario Kart.''

''Yeah when you keep playing Rainbow Road then yes, I suck. But who voluntarily plays that circuit?'' You asked frustrated, watching as he started up the game and picked his character.

''I like seeing you fall off time after time.''

You gasped when Daisy high-fived him above your head. ''Both of you have something against me and I don't like it.''

Daisy smiled at you. ''Sorry. You just make it so easy. I promise we love you.''

You narrowed your eyes at her. ''You better. Or you can stay on this couch tonight.''

Now it was you and Mack who high-fived and Daisy who gasped. There was no time for her to respond though because Mack pressed play and the countdown for Rainbow Road started. 

You could feel the anticipation of the people next to you and smiled to yourself. These moments of fun were the highlight of the week and you had no idea how you got so lucky.

Daisy Johnson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now