Avengers Party

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Summary: as Coulson's daughter, you get invites to Tony Stark's lavish parties. Normally, you don't go, but Daisy has been begging to go for months, so you finally take up the offer.

''Are you sure Stark won't mind me tagging along?'' Daisy's voice was full off nerves and her eyes jumped around the elevator, too restless to focus. 

You turned to her. ''The invitation literally said: bring a plus one.'' 

As Coulson's daughter, you had met the Avengers numerous amounts of times. Some a couple more times than others, but they knew you and you knew them. So while you were always a little jittery, you didn't feel the anxiety and nerves Daisy was feeling in the moment. She was fiddling with her necklace and hair and constantly checked if her dress sat right.

She looked absolutely gorgeous and you had trouble keeping your eyes off of her. Actually, she was really distracting and you hoped you wouldn't embarrass yourself because of it. 

When Daisy reached up to fix her hair for the hundreth time, you caught her hand and held it in your own, squeezing it reasurringly. ''Babe, stop figgeting, you look beautiful.''

Daisy relaxed her body and took a deep breath. ''I know, I'm just... it's the Avengers.'' She put emphasis on the last word as if she was talking about some kind of higher being. 

''So?'' you chuckled, seeing her starstruck gaze. 

''So?'' Daisy asked in disbelief, not understanding how you could be so calm. ''They're like, literal superheroes.''

''So are you,'' you reminded her, suppressing a smile when Daisy realized you were right. ''Just relax, they are all very nice.''

You two stepped out of the elevator as it stopped on the right floor. The amount of people there didn't surprise you. Stark liked large parties and wasn't one to keep things casual. 

With your hand still intertwined with Daisy's, you pulled her into the crowd, looking for the host himself. However, he was the one to find you. 

''Coulson junior! Look who finally accepted my invitation!'' Tony yelled loud enough for almost everyone present to hear. 

You threw him a glare when people started watching, but he didn't even notice it. 

''That was more to get this one to finally shut up,'' you replied, nodding towards the woman next to you.

Daisy sent you her own glare for embarrassing her in front of Stark. 

''So you are the famous Quake,'' Stark spoke, looking Daisy up and down in an analyzing kind of way, almost as if he was unsure a small, normal woman like her was the well-known superhero.

''Daisy,'' she corrected him. Daisy didn't like people seeing her as this superhero persona only. She was Daisy Johnson first, Quake second. 

''Right. Daisy. Are you treating junior right? Taking her on dates, satisfying her, that sort of thing?''

Your mouth dropped open in shock. This was typical Stark, making the most inappropriate jokes ever. ''O my god, Stark.'' You looked around in a panic as Daisy was laughing next to you. Apparently, she found it very funny just like Tony himself. ''Okay let's get out of here.''

''Because she has a bunch of superheroes behind her who won't hesitate to kick your ass!'' Tony called after you as you pulled Daisy towards the bar, trying to hide the redness on your cheeks. You could still feel her laughing behind you, which alerted Natasha of your arrival at the bar. 

She stood behind it, making a very complicated looking drink for herself. She looked up at Daisy's giggling, a smile forming on her face as she finally saw you brought your girlfriend you had been telling her about.

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