What if... (Part 2)

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Thank you for requesting a part two! It has been a while since I've written the first one so I had to get back into the story haha. But make sure to read that one first before reading this (of course duh). Let me know if you want a part three! If you have a request, leave it below or DM me, whatever you want :)

There was no way you could warn Daisy without the cameras picking it up, so you threw her a warning look right before she pulled the door to the interrogation room open. It wouldn't be nice what she would see inside, so you hoped she could keep her anger down.

Her steps only faltered the slightest bit when she stepped in, seeing Mr. Rajan tied into a large metal chair, blood on his face. With a subtle touch, you steered her to the left to stand behind the screens that would tell you if he was lying or not.

What nobody knew but you, is that his real name wasn't Jason Rajan. It was on his fake ID you had made for him.

''You're in a very precarious position, Mr. Rajan,'' you said loudly. It was a display of confidence and power you wore as a mask at work. At home, with Daisy, it fell away. It wasn't who you were, just a facade to survive. ''Inhuman status isn't a crime. But lying about it is.''

''I never lied,'' Jason said weakly.  

''We'll see about that. Hydra cares more about what you've done than what you are. So when my partner here asks you about smuggling charges, I highly suggest you cooperate.'' You took a few steps back, offering the file you were holding to Daisy, who was almost panicking. She didn't know what to do and you knew you took a risk, but May was watching so this needed to look as normal as possible.

It went so well, with her starting to ask basic questions about who he was, why he hadn't reported the missing truck from his business, but then she jumped onto the subject of his citizen's card that was also in the file. Confidently, she held it up. ''Hydra-issued citizen's card. But I know for a fact that your name isn't Jason Rajan, so I wonder, who made it?''

You tried not to show you were panicking now too. She couldn't know not to ask him about it, but if someone found out you had made it, both you and her would be dead by morning. 

''It's not possible. Unless someone within Hydra provided it.'' She stepped closer to him. ''I am trying to save your life. So tell me, is there a threat within Hydra?''

The man was backed into a corner and lashed out when he couldn't defend himself with valid arguments. ''You never helped anyone, you bitch! Give me the Terrigen, and I'll show you a threat.'' 

You stood next to Daisy as soon as he had called her a bitch. Nobody got to call her that, not even someone you considered a friend. With a pissed look on your face, you held the card in front of his face. ''Someone in Hydra make this for you?'' playing the game along with her.

''Your name is Vijay Nadeer. Don't deny it,'' Daisy tried again. How she knew who he was, you didn't know, but it probably had something to do with the real world. That's why she had perked up in the briefing room.  

''My DNA is not a crime. I'm not a criminal. You should know-''

Before he could spill your secret or yell at her some more, you socked him in the jaw, hard. It hurt your heart more than it did your fist and you hated the way Daisy looked at you afterwards, even if she knew it was all an act. ''Y/N!'' she yelled, ''What...''

''You got quiet, Vijay,'' you said smugly. You hated this, acting as if you hated him and hurting him. ''No more games.''

That's when May barged in, throwing a glass of water in Vijay's face. Daisy stopped herself from saying something about it. You found yourself keeping an eye on her more than on May.

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