Quarantine (Part 3)

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Part three! This is unfortunately the last chapter for a while :( You can always keep sending in requests and I will pick them up when I have time again. As for now, thank you so much for reading this. I love every single one of you. Please stay safe, wear a mask and let's hope if I come back after a couple weeks or months, this horrible pandemic is over.

Day four and you were getting bored quickly. It was late at night, dark, and it cooled down quickly. You had fallen asleep on the couch and Skye smiled at your cute position. She sat by the fireplace, poking the wood with a rod to keep it going. It was the only heating inside, so it had to keep burning.

It had been a tiring and confusing few days. An Inhuman by the name of Gordon had slipped past the laser grids and knocked on your door two days ago. He didn't have eyes, not even a place where they should have been, but that was not the most shocking about him. He knew everything about your powers and how to help you. He spoke about a place with more people like you, where you would be safe and learn control.

But it seemed too good to be true and neither of you trusted this man enough to blindly follow him. For now, you were good but he promised to be there if you needed him.

You had had long conversations together about what to do and if you trusted him, but decided on waiting a while.

Skye's eyes fell on the bracelet around your wrist and automatically, they glanced at her own gloves on the dinner table. She hadn't put them on yet and you hadn't pushed her, but for some reason, she found herself walking over and sliding them on. 

They were tight and hurt on her bruised arms and when they powered up, they made her feel dizzy. Confused on whether they were supposed to do that, she sat down in front of the computer, trying to videocall Jemma, but the connection was lost. 

She frowned and picked up the phone instead. In a soft voice as not to wake you, she called her friend. ''Hey, Jemma. It's me. Um, can you call me back? I... I put the gloves on, but, uh, are they supposed to make you feel woozy? Um, maybe that's just a side effect.''

Skye followed the cable from the back of her computer to underneath the table. Like she had promised you, she had found a way to stream your favorite TV shows on it without revealing your location. Every night you cuddled together on the couch until one of you fell asleep, most of the time it was you. 

It was hands down the best moment of the day, but all the days together were nice. It had been weird at first to be all alone with just the two of you, no distractions and no missions, but you could talk to each other all day and finally had the time to do the things you never had before.

Skye crawled down underneath the desk and saw the blue wire from the back of the computer disappearing into the wall. She frowned, expecting an outlet where it plugged into. She spotted a place where the wooden planks didn't touch, and when she tapped on the space between them, a metal sound echoed back.

''Also, are they supposed to be this tight?'' She continued speaking into the phone, leaving a message for Jemma. ''I'm not complaining. I'm just wondering. Anyway, call me back when you can. Okay, bye.''

She threw the phone on the desk above her and cringed at how hard the sound was. Not even a second later, she heard your sleepy voice. 

''Babe, what are you doing under the table?'' 

You sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. You hadn't even noticed you had fallen asleep. Skye didn't answer you, but crept away from under the desk and seemed very interested in the wooden panels on the wall.

Confused, you walked over as she kept knocking on them, setting her nails behind a small edge and pulling. The plank shot loose and she wiggled it out. Both of you made a surprised sound as you recognized the metal and the shapes on the wall behind. Hexagons, just like the room inside the Bus.

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