The Simmons Sibling (Part 3)

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Surprise! I know I said I was going away for a while, but I have been rewatching AOS and I really missed writing these. So I have decided there will be really slow updates instead of taking a full break. 

This chapter was requested, and I have a couple others already, but feel free to keep requesting and I'll add them to the pile. It will just take a while :) 

You and Daisy have been going out for a couple months now, and those were the best months of your life. Deciding to ask her out was the best thing you had ever done, and Jemma didn't stop taking credit for it. She and Daisy were already very close before you came into the picture, but they had gotten even closer and Jemma sometimes jokingly called Daisy her sister in law.

SHIELD life was hectic and dates had to be rescheduled more than once, but neither of you had trouble with that. Going out was nice, but staying in might be even better. Since everyone knew of your relationship now, they knew to give you privacy to have those small moments to yourself in the base. Which meant a lot of Netflix and a lot of snacks, which you trained off in the gym.

Talking about the gym, Daisy had been tugging you into it more and more. You knew some basic training, since that was mandatory at The Academy, but you couldn't fight as she could. So you got better and Daisy felt better knowing you could protect yourself. You also liked watching her train, so powerful and strong. 

Anyone who heard of your relationship said you were the brains and she the muscle, but you were quick to shut that rumor down. She was smart as hell and although you agreed on the muscle, her skills with the computer were unbeatable. 

Some agents had been surprised when they had heard of your relationship through gossip or through colleagues. They had thought you were too different and hadn't known either of you were into women, but they all supported you. That was what was so great about SHIELD. Everyone was family and everyone supported and loved each other. 

So the agents you were friendliest with, joked with you about Daisy, teasing you if you came out of her room in the morning, asking if your sister knew what you did in your spare time. It warmed your heart how kind they were, and it made the whole experience much easier.

More nights were spend in either her bed or yours, although you preferred her room since it was decorated much nicer and felt warmer, cozier. You simply loved snuggling into her at night, your face in her neck and her arms around you. She always smelled of the same shampoo and kissed your forehead before you fell asleep.

No sneaking around was necessary and you even talked about moving your stuff to her room all together. The closet storage would be a problem though. She had a lot of sweaters and jackets and so did you. Maybe Mack could build you a new closet or you simply used your room for storage only. 

Speaking of Mack, Daisy had dragged you into the life of games. To be direct and short, you sucked at them. Which was very entertaining to them, but not so much to you. You were competitive so after the first few tries, gave up and simply enjoyed how happy Daisy was as she played, joking with Mack and yelling at the screen when her character died.

In the beginning of your relationship, you had been a bit shy and insecure, turning red every time she kissed you and stuttering when she complemented you. But you quickly found out it wasn't necessary to be shy. She cared about you and wanted you to be comfortable, taking things slow and asking you if things were okay if you seemed off. She was one of the most caring people you knew, always looking after you.

But you were also quite protective of her. Not in a toxic way, but you were always worried when she would go on missions. You were not a soldier, you were simply an expert on alien things, a historian plus scientist. So you could be found flipping through books and scrolling through digital files if Coulson needed answers to questions. You were not in the field often, which didn't bother you.

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