That was so stupid

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Summary request: When AIDA invades the base, you try fighting her, which was not a smart idea. You get hurt, badly, which results in Daisy being overprotective and clingy.

This kinda matched with the last chapter so that's why I picked this next. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about your request :) 

Your pov

For some reason, you thought it was smart to fight a robot. Well, not really a robot, but an LMD. And this was the LMD of all LMDs. This was AIDA. The rest of the team was occupied, either trapped inside a room somewhere because AIDA was smarter than any human could ever be, or they were busy trying to get her out of the base's system. 

It was obvious what she was here for: the Darkhold. But nobody knew where it was, only Coulson did. So nobody knew where to take a stand either. 

It had been pure luck -or misfortune- that you ran into AIDA. You weren't even looking for her, you were on your way to free Coulson from the room she had trapped him in. Yeah you really wished you had Daisy with you when you stood eye to eye with AIDA, but all you had was a gun and your skills, which wouldn't nearly be enough to take her out.

Did you regret ever trying to fight her when her fist hit your chest? Yes. Did that mean you would give up though? Also no. Which is why you kept going until AIDA kicked your knee and you heard a sickening crack. 

You yelled out in pain as your legs gave out under you, too busy with the pain coursing through your body to protect yourself. AIDA had the opportunity to grab your head and slam it into the brick wall. Hard.

Your vision turned black instantly, but your hearing worked for a couple seconds longer. Your name was called out loud and there was a low ringing sound, followed by a thud and footsteps coming closer. You tried curling into yourself to protect your head from the person you believed to be AIDA, but your limbs didn't work anymore.

The last thing you felt before you lost consciousness was a warm hand on your cheek.


Daisy's pov

Daisy ran around the corner right when AIDA slammed your head into the wall. She halted, pure shock flooding her body before anger took over. With all power she had in her, Daisy forced that rage into her blast and threw AIDA across the hall. 

Without checking if she was really down, Daisy rushed over to your still body. Your eyes were closed but she swore your body twitched as she crouched down next to your head, as if you tried to protect yourself. 

Gently, she laid her palm on your cheek to see if you'd react, but nothing happened. You were out cold and it wouldn't surprise her if you got a bad concussion. Your knee was definitely shattered, that much was clear. Your leg lay in a weird position that turned her stomach around.

But you couldn't stay there, AIDA was advancing again. What Daisy didn't know and you also hadn't known, is you were in the path between her and the Darkhold, which was in the office. 

With one last powerful blast, Daisy threw AIDA across the hall again and quickly picked you up. This was not easy, but you needed help as soon as possible. Blood dripped out of your nose and ears and Daisy was worried you had dangerous internal injuries. Yes it was not smart to move you, but if she didn't, AIDA would definitely crush you to death.

So Daisy hoisted you up, hooking her hands under your armpits and simply dragging you. There was no other way she could get you across the base fast enough, to Jemma. When she did so, the sound of Mack's shotgun axe echoed between the halls, taking care of the robot.

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