A New Avenger

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Summary request: Daisy is called into the Avengers Initiative by Fury because they need her. You're already part of them.

Thank you for requesting this, I hope I did your idea justice :)

Quake. The most powerful Agent of SHIELD according to Fury. Of course you had researched her as soon as he announced she would be joining the team and you were beyond impressed. She was powerful. Her skills would be well appreciated.

To be honest, you hadn't felt you deserved to be in the team, hadn't felt your power was strong enough or useful enough, but the other Avengers told you again and again they wanted you here.

Daisy -which was her real name- would arrive at the Avengers Tower in New York, her new living space. You were looking forward to it, to have another woman on the team. Living with five men and two women was a little unfair. 

''What time did she arrive again?'' you yelled through the living room to Steve, who was anxiously trying to tidy the room as best as he could. Not that it was messy at all, but he wanted to make a good first impression.

Natasha and Tony were far from concerned about the whole thing. The redhead sat on the couch, her legs rudely prompted up on the coffee table, swiping on her tablet. Tony did the same but at the small bar in the kitchen, his standard cup of coffee very close. Clint was nowhere to be seen and neither was Thor. 

Banner was just as nervous as Steve. He sat on the edge of his lounge chair, fidgeting with his hands. He hated social situations and meeting new people and the confidence of Daisy would certainly intimidate him.

''That would be now,'' Natasha dryly said, not even looking up from the device in her hands when the elevator pinged. It was kinda creepy how she always knew exactly what was happening everywhere.

A beautiful woman stepped out of the elevator, a large bag swung over her shoulder. She was a little nervous too you saw, but overall radiated confidence in a good way. Her clothes were all black so she would fit right in with you and Natasha, who always wore the color. Together with her brown hair, she had this mysterious, dark vibe around her that was incredibly attractive.

Suddenly, Tony was all too interested, stalking over to her. ''Agent Johnson, welcome to Stark Tower.''

You had to save her from him. Rolling your eyes, you swiftly walked over, throwing Tony a glare and pushing him away. ''It's Avengers Tower,'' you reminded him and he looked sad you stole her away.

You looked straight into those awake, powerful brown eyes. ''So nice to have you here. I'm Y/N but you probably already know that.'' 

Daisy nodded, finding you adorable. She knew of your reputation but hadn't done as much research as she should have. If she had, she would have seen how kind and soft of a person you were, a complete opposite from your powers. 

''Please ignore Stark while I introduce you to the more civil members of the team.''

Daisy chuckled softly, putting her bag down next to the elevator and getting her hands free to shake Steve's. 

''Ma'am,'' he greeted her, his usual kind smile on his face. He was a generally open and kind person so she wouldn't have any problems with him. 

Daisy's eyes lit up in amusement. ''Please call me Daisy,'' she insisted, to which Steve nodded. It took him a while until he used your first name and not your last.

Banner awkwardly greeted her next. Daisy did her best to look as approachable as possible, but it wasn't her fault he was so awkward. 

''Nat,'' you called her over. It wasn't that the Russian wasn't interested or that she meant to be rude. She just genuinely hated wasting time on formalities like these. 

Daisy Johnson ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang