Regrettable Decisions

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Summary: you were sent to kill Daisy but fail, resulting in you getting captured by SHIELD. You can request anything any time you want :)

It wasn't easy to get an appointment with SHIELD. Which meant it wasn't easy for you to find your target. 

Your life wasn't easy, but it could be worse. You had grown up in a household that wasn't exactly warm but not cruel either. Your father was never home and didn't really care for or about you, just let you live your life. He was way too busy with his criminal activities to cook you dinner.

So instead your mother did it for him. She wasn't always mentally there, lost in her own head most of the time, but she was incredibly sweet and did care for you, even if she didn't always show it. 

You had always described her as a ghost. Someone who wasn't really present, but you saw from time to time. 

Even though you promised yourself you would never follow in your father's footsteps, your mother getting killed by a rival gang had you begging him to include you in the business. 

At first it was focused on revenge only, training to pick off the gang members that killed the center of the family. Didn't matter she wasn't always there, it was still your mother and nobody messed with your family and got off unharmed.

It was a half-year ago you had shot the last gang member though his head. A nice shot through the back of his head, launched from the top of a building. The sniper gun was what you were trained with, and you had to admit you were good. 

That didn't mean you liked any of it. In fact, after the anger and need for revenge faded away, it dawned on you what you had really done. Killing people. Doing things you had sworn never to do. 

That was when you wanted to quit, lay the gun down and pretend none of that ever happened. Try to continue your life. 

However, killing off multiple members of a dangerous gang meant they were now the ones out for revenge. It had turned into a war with you in the center of it, turning you into a soldier you never wanted to be.

About a month ago, your father had ordered you to take out one of SHIELD's prize soldiers. A woman named Daisy Johnson aka Quake. SHIELD had started to mingle in your family's business and were getting too close to unraveling everything your dad had built. With killing her, he hoped they would back off.

Personally, you had no vendetta against the brunette superhero. In fact, killing her was one of the last things you wanted to do. After all, she made the world safer and took care of the criminals who were also against you.

It wasn't smart either. SHIELD would hit back twice as hard after this. But hey, you didn't give the orders, just were a pawn in this game.

Subtly, one of your gang members had given SHIELD clues about a building that was supposed to be yours. It was just an empty warehouse on the docks, but they took the bait, desperate for success. 

In the black of night, you lay on the roof of a nearby building, the perfect view on the back door of the warehouse, knowing they were more likely to go in there and not through the front. 

The light of the full moon reflected in the still water of the harbor. It was a perfect night, clear and not completely dark. The stars shone down on your back. Luckily, it wasn't winter, so you were perfectly fine in your thin leather jacket. 

A little after midnight, four hours after you had climbed up the roof and assembled your rifle, a couple trucks pulled up, stopping a great distance from the warehouse. Smart, traveling the last part on foot to stay unnoticed. Not to you however.

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