Seeds (1x12)

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Summary request: Skye finds out what happened to her as a baby in China. You help her through it. 

Bad news: I am taking a break from this book for a while. I start a very intense internship tomorrow, which means I almost won't have time to write. And since my other book is very time consuming, I want to put my focus on that one. I still have two requested chapters for this one (two sequels to previous chapters) that I'll upload somewhere next week I think, but after that, it will be silent for a while.

This isn't the end! I'll come back when I have more time, but that's not anywhere soon. Stay safe and enjoy these last three chapters ;)

You walked next to Skye through the Bus. There was an awkward silence between the two of you and Coulson. Ever since he had left the Academy with May to go follow up on some lead and came back only a couple hours ago, he hadn't been able to look at either of you.

After the long, but fun day at the Academy, showing Skye around, showing her your old living quarters, the training rooms et cetera, this was a frustrating ending. Something was wrong and you had a gut feeling what it was. 

Skye had been quiet about it. She didn't want to overstep or ask too many questions, but she was fed up with being ignored, which you understood. ''Ever since you got back from who knows where, you won't even look at me,'' she finally started. ''And I know things have been heavy right now, but... did I do something wrong?''

Coulson stopped and you swore he sighed. ''No, I did.'' He turned around and stepped closer to her. Unconsciously, you did too. 

''Ian Quinn's not the only one who manipulates people, Skye. We do it all the time. Actually teach it at the Academy. It's our trade,'' he continued vaguely. He liked speaking in riddles, which was really frustrating sometimes.

Skye glanced at you, but you just shrugged, not knowing where this was going or what he meant to say. ''What are you talking about?'' She furrowed her eyebrows and crossed her arms. You felt like this was a personal conversation so you stepped away, but her hand grabbed yours, silently forcing you to stay. 

''I've been keeping something from you,'' Coulson admitted. He was hesitating on whether to say it. ''But recently, I realized I had no right to do that.'' 

''You lied to me,'' Skye stated, realization dawning on her. 

Coulson nodded and you saw he felt guilty. ''Agent May and I went down to Mexico City to talk to somebody. Somebody who knows where you came from.''

Skye froze and absorbed that information. It was difficult to read her face, but she was ready for whatever he would tell her. ''Tell me.''

''When we started this, I warned you that you might not like what you learn,'' Coulson subtly warned, giving her a way out while she still could. But you saw she wouldn't back out now.

''And I told you that it can't be worse than what I have imagined.''

You still felt like an intruder, but the death grip on your hand got stronger and stronger. She needed you here, so you stayed and ran your thumb over her skin.

Coulson had a hard time throwing the words out. ''It is. The agent who dropped you at St. Agnes was not your mother, but she was killed trying to protect you. Twenty-four years ago, an entire S.H.I.E.L.D. team in a small village was massacred in attempt to secure you.''

Tears started filling your eyes, but you were way more focused on the woman next to you and if she was okay, which she wasn't. But she never once looked away or turned away from Coulson. She needed the information she had been so desperately looking for her whole life.

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