Ghost Rider (Part 3)

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As suggested, a part three :) The internship really is no joke. I'm so tired every evening so that's why this is so late. One more chapter left after this and that will be it for a while. Thank you for all the kind messages and the good luck wishes on the last chapter. It means a lot <3

You called Sergio to tell him you weren't coming in today. Perks of being the boss: you get to decide your own worktimes. 

Instead, you sat down with Daisy and told her everything you knew. Of course you knew who the Ghost Rider was. He was from the same neighborhood after all, and you would never forget that car he owned.

Daisy once again sat next to you in the Mustang. This time however, the silence wasn't tense. If anything, it was a good type of excitement. Not on your side really, more on hers. You didn't want to have anything to do with all of it, but you couldn't send her out on her own. 

This neighborhood had rules, people you needed to know. She couldn't barge in everywhere and ask for this Ghost Rider or his car. 

In his street, you parked a good distance away from his house. If he would see the car, you'd be busted. It was morning, which meant his brother was about to leave for school. And indeed, at around eight, two people came out of the house. One in a wheelchair and one behind it, laughing and joking with his younger brother.

''Robbie Reyes,'' you muttered to Daisy, who squinted her eyes to see them better.

''He's the Ghost Rider?''

You nodded, following the movements at the house closely. His brother got picked up and brought home every day and today was no different. ''His car is in his garage, so yes.''

Daisy turned to you, confused on how you knew that. ''How do you know that?''

''I know every fancy car in this town,'' you chuckled. ''He works at a scrapyard slash carshop once a week. Haven't talked to him much, but he's nice. At least until he turned into that... demon.''

She started fiddling with the door handle. ''I'm gonna go talk to him.''

''No. Daisy.'' But she was already out of the car before you could stop her. You jumped out and ran after her, catching her arm and spinning her back around. ''You can't just march in and confront him,'' you said bothered. ''Let me.''

She pulled her arm free -gently, not rough- and crossed them over the other. ''What are you gonna do?''

Yeah, what were you going to do? ''Just, trust me.'' You turned to the house, already regretting taking her here in the first place. She was reckless and didn't think twice.  ''Stay quiet.'' you hissed over your shoulder. Daisy followed you quickly.

''Fine,'' she grumbled. 

You started jogging when Robbie came closer to getting in his car to go to work. Whatever kind of work that was. ''Robbie!''

He turned towards the sound, pure confusion written all over his face. ''Y/N, hey. What are you doing here?''

''I'm really sorry to go to your house like this, but you weren't in the workshop and you're the only person I know there... I am fixing this old Ford and I can't find the right parts anywhere. Customer is picking it up today so I was hoping you had something in your scrapyard I could use.''

It was a complete bullshit story and he eyed the brunette behind you warily, but your reputation was what saved your ass. He trusted you enough to nod and say, ''Follow me.''

You nodded eagerly and practically dragged Daisy out of there before she could do or say something risky. 

''Well, what now?'' she asked skeptically as you jumped back in the car, quickly driving after Robbie to the yard. He probably had other plans, but couldn't say no to you.

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