Drinking Buddy

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Summary: you are out with your friends and see Daisy sitting at the bar on her own. You muster up the courage to talk to her.

You never really went out, especially not to loud clubs like these, but your friends had dragged you with them, something you only let happen a couple times a year.

The reason for your party was the birthday of your best friend. You had had a couple of drinks already and the room started spinning lightly about half an hour ago, which only made it more fun. Normally, you weren't a big drinker, but once in a while you let yourself go.

In your tight party dress, curtesy of your friend, you had been getting a lot of attention from the boys. Unfortunately for them, you weren't interested in them. 

During your trips to the bar, you had noticed a brunette woman with short hair and dark clothes eyeing you, but you didn't pay much attention to her. She looked like she was on her own and wasn't enjoying yourself as much as you were. She also didn't look like she had come her to party or dance, but just to drink. 

She didn't look like she was having fun though and you got a sad vibe from her. Like she was dealing with some stuff. Honestly, you couldn't tell if it was the pity or the warm feeling you got when she looked at you that made you talk to her.

On your high heels, a little bit wobbly, you pushed yourself through the crowd towards the bar. The bartender saw you coming and had remembered your drink. ''Cosmopolitan?'' he asked you with a smirk on his face. He was clearly enjoying your clumsiness.

''Yes, please,'' you smiled to him kindly. The brunette's eyes were on you and you could feel her presence close to you. You had purposely stood close to her, despite the space around the bar. Taking a deep breath, you mastered up the courage to turn to her. You were a real chicken when it came to flirting and the woman suddenly looked even more beautiful than from a distance. ''Can I get you something?''

A little confused, as if she was double checking you had talked to her, she turned to you. Her eyes studied your face, determining if your offer was genuine or if you were just playing with her. 

When the silence lasted too long for you, you felt the need to apologize. Maybe you had overstepped. ''I'm sorry if that was too forward. It's just... you have been sitting here on your own the entire evening and you look like you might need something stronger than that.''

In her hand was a simple beer, not the standard drink in this fancy club. She looked like she would be more comfortable in a bar. 

''I'm good,'' she finally answered, turning back to look at her bottle. But you weren't stupid, you knew she wasn't good. Even with the alcohol in your system, you were still good at reading people.

When you sat yourself down on the barstool, forgetting your friends and your own drink in front of you, she glanced at you warily. She didn't want to be bothered but you felt a connection to her that you just needed to explore. 

''Okay, why don't we start over,'' you proposed. ''I'm Y/N.''


You smiled when she answered you. It was a little stiff and distant, but she had turned back to you, open for a conversation. Even in de dark, with neon lights falling on her face every now and then, she looked absolutely stunning.

Your heart skipped a beat when her brown eyes found you and you suddenly felt very naked in your dress.

With red cheeks by her piercing stare, you stuttered over your words. ''You, uhm, here by yourself or did you...did you...get stood up? Although I can't imagine the latter.''

There was the tiniest of smiles on the Daisy's lips as she relaxed, and you caught yourself staring before quickly ripping your eyes away. 

''No, I'm just here for the view.''

The last thing you had ever expected was for Daisy to flirt with you, especially out of the blue like this. 

When she saw your wide eyes and flustered cheeks, she chuckled. After the loud music and the false singing partygoers, it was the best sound you had heard tonight. 

Completely lost for words, you didn't know what to say. So you just stared at her dumbfounded. 

''I think your friends are wondering why you are taking so long,'' Daisy remarked, her gaze focused somewhere behind you. 

You finally came to your senses, you didn't even bother to turn around. Your friends could wait. This was way too important. ''They can wait.''

When you picked up your drink and took a big sip, Daisy teased you again. ''Are you sure you haven't had enough of those yet?''

You shrugged. ''Normally I would say yes, but I'm still seeing only one of you, so no.''

''You celebrating something?'' Daisy tried to figure out why you were all there. 

You nodded, running a hand through your sweaty hair. You probably looked like a mess but Daisy was still talking to you and kept her eyes on you the entire time. ''It's my best friend's birthday.'' 

She nodded, either confirming something she had already guessed, or as a sign she was listening.

''Normally I'm not a party animal or even a drinker for that matter, but a couple nights a year, they pull a veto and actually get me out of my house. And when they do, I'm going to enjoy it.''

''You look like you are.'' There was a hint of sadness in her voice, underneath the teasing. You couldn't help but wonder if she was jealous of your group of friends. She looked lonely. 

''You should join us,'' you proposed, although you knew she wasn't going to accept. ''I promise my friends are nice.''

Like you had suspected, she shook her head violently, her short hair bouncing around her head. ''Oh, no, no. I'm not a dancer and I'm not good with people.''

''Well, I don't know. You seem to be doing fine,'' you winked. This time, it was her turn to blush. 

You grabbed a napkin and asked the bartender for a pen. Of course, he knew what you were going to do with it and handed it to you with a smile. With a little trouble, you penned your number on the fabric and shoved it over to her. 

''Call me if you ever need a drinking buddy again.'' 

Daisy looked at the number, a little stunned, and watched as you climbed off the stool, taking your drink and with one last smile strutted back to your friends. 

Behind your back, she smiled at the napkin, carefully folding it and putting it in the pocket of her jacket. What you didn't know is she had been having a shitty couple of weeks, being completely on her own, away from the team and had been feeling down for all that time. Just a simple conversation and something as casual as a smile had made her entire day.

Daisy pushed her drink away, no longer feeling the need for any alcohol, tipped the bartender and walked out the club, leaving the loud music and sweaty people behind. The only thing on her mind was you. How you were the first person to really look at her and talk to her in a while. How you had shown interest in her and had taken your time to have a conversation. 

That number burned in her pocket and she knew she would be dialing it soon. 

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