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Summary: you met Daisy in Afterlife and you quickly started dating. After Lincoln gets kidnapped, Daisy goes back to SHIELD to help them, taking you with her. Ward gets jealous of your relationship and wants Daisy for himself. He kidnaps you and wants you to let Daisy go. Read to see how it ends ;) This is based on the season 2 storyline where Bobbi gets kidnapped. Thank you to  for requesting! I hope I did your idea justice. 

Lincoln was gone. Your friend -one of your only friends actually- who had helped you accept who you were when you hated yourself. When you didn't want anything to do with the alien part of your DNA. When it scared the hell out of you.

You were Inhuman. You could create illusions, causing people to see, hear and smell things that weren't really there. Afterlife was your home. The one where you also met Skye, although she actually wanted you to call her Daisy, the name her parents intended for her.

You had been together for a couple weeks, almost three months. But you couldn't see yourself ever leaving her. So when she insisted Gordon bring her back to SHIELD to help her team save Lincoln, you obviously went with her.

Right now, you were standing in a big plane, looking down at a group of people clad in all black. These must be the people Daisy had told you about. The endless stories about all the adventures she had been on with her team.

''Hey, guys,'' Daisy said when they saw both of you standing there. 

There was a tall, dark-haired guy who was immediately analyzing you. And as soon as Daisy saw that, she moved slightly in front of you, something that didn't go unnoticed by the man. 

This must be Agent Ward, based on the nasty look your girlfriend was throwing him.

''This is great. We finally got the team back together,'' he said enthusiastically, although nobody joined him and they all threw him annoyed looks instead.

There were hugs all around, also some for you when Daisy introduced you as her girlfriend. You could feel the stare of Ward on you, filled with something you could only describe as jealousy or anger or both. It made you very uncomfortable and Daisy too, who was sure to keep you close to her whenever he was around.


Daisy had gone to get changed into her mission gear, and had left you with Jemma, who was asking you all the questions she could think of. 

''So... what?'' You chuckled, highly aware that Ward was listening in on your conversation from across the room.

''So how did you meet? I wanna know everything!'' When she saw you laughing at her enthusiasm, she defended herself. ''What? It's just that Skye left without any control over her powers and she came back all confident and ready and with a girlfriend. An Inhuman girlfriend.''

Your smiled disappeared from your face when Ward walked past you, throwing you a nasty look. ''As if one of you wasn't enough already,'' he mumbled just loud enough for you to hear.

You were about to ask him what his problem was when Daisy interrupted, grabbing your hand to calm you down. 

''He's not worth it,'' she whispered, although you were sure he heard it.

The whole team gathered around the table on the plane, going over the mission. The team members looked exactly the same as in the illusions you had let Daisy create. You could transfer your power to others for short amounts of time, letting them play around with the illusions. That was when she had shown you her team and the plane she had called home before Afterlife.

''Skye, Ward, and Simmons on rescue and medical. Y/N, stay with Skye. You're not trained for combat but your powers could come in handy.''

You nodded at Coulson's order, knowing he was right. You could protect yourself with your powers, making people think you weren't right in front of them for example, but you had never been in battle. Controlling multiple people at once was easy, but you had never tested it under stress.

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