I'll Be Your Family Now (2x22)

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Summary: based on 2x22, where Daisy goes to visit her father at his new office after wiping his memory and he doesn't remember her. Instead of Coulson going with her, it's you, his daughter. Wrote this in 1,5 hours before I have to go to work but I hope you like it. Don't forget to request!

Skye's -or no, it was Daisy now- Daisy's knee bumped up and down in the passenger's seat, her hands restless. Every now and then she would have to take a deep breath because she forgot to breathe. Her brown hair wove in the wind coming through the open roof.

It was hard to talk over the noise, but you gave it a try because seeing her so nervous reflected back towards you.

Removing one hand from the wheel, you grabbed her hands to still them. As a result, Daisy gave a deep sigh, sliding further down into the seat. 

''It will be fine,'' you half-yelled. ''He doesn't remember anything that happened.''

Instead of holding them still, her hands started playing with your fingers. ''Yeah exactly,'' Daisy mumbled under her breath, looking down at her lap. ''He doesn't remember me.''

Your heart hurt for her. Right after she had found her family, one turned out to be a murderer and the other mentally unstable. They cared about her, that was obvious, but in the end she was still alone. 

You sighed, wishing you could properly look at her instead of keeping your eyes on the road. ''Trust me. Somewhere deep inside, he knows.''

It was still early. Daisy's father's practice wasn't open yet. It was the plan to catch him outside as he opened up, which meant you didn't have much time left. You sped up slightly, definitely slightly driving over the speed limit. Good thing your father didn't see this.

Right on time, you pulled up at the curb, throwing the car into park. Instead of stepping out, Daisy hesitated. Finally you could turn to her fully, gently fixing her hair for her, brushing her bangs out of her face. She watched your face as you did so, which calmed her down and gave her the courage to unbuckle her seatbelt.

''Go,'' you whispered to her, smiling encouragingly.

Slowly, she shuffled towards the practice, hands still fidgeting uncontrollably. You followed her with your eyes, stepping out of the car yourself to have a better view on the situation. It probably wasn't smart to lean against the expensive car, but you did it anyway. It was attracting quite a lot of looks, the vintage red car, so you couldn't be out here too long.

You saw her stop a couple steps from the door, waiting for her father to notice her. He had just put a sign outside and let a woman with her dog inside. Your heart jumped when he saw her, smiling kindly.

Daisy felt your eyes on her back, feeling a little bit better knowing you were there. 

''Can I help you?'' Cal asked her kindly, smiling a bright smile. 

Her heart sunk when he didn't remember her. Part of her had hoped he would have remembered his daughter, but she reminded herself of what you had said to her. That part of him would know, even if he didn't know what that feeling was.

''Just passing by,'' Daisy pulled herself together and took a couple steps closer to him. ''Nice place.''

He fully turned to her, giving his full attention. ''Oh, thanks. Well, we're just getting up and running. It's gonna be a magical place once we get totally moved in.''

Magical place. He had been given the same memories Coulson had. Spending his time in Tahiti. Hopefully he wouldn't remember what really happened. 

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