A New Inhuman

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Summary: you went through Terrigenisis by eating a fish oil pill and could suddenly feel everyone's emotions and make them feel whatever you wanted. However, you had no idea how to control it and caused some major panic outbreaks in large crowds. SHIELD comes to take you in. 

You shouldn't even be outside. In your apartment, it was bad enough you could feel the emotions of all your neighbors and the residents on the other floors, but outside in the busy center of New York City, it was almost impossible to concentrate. 

Emotions were overwhelming you. Not your own, but from the people around you. That man there was frustrated and irritated because of a work emergency he received over the phone. That woman there was yelling at her child for not listening to her and falling on the hard concrete. The child was in much pain and cried loudly. 

Another child across the street was so happy with his new toy that you could sense his happiness from a great distance. 

You wanted to run away to the countryside, but didn't want to leave behind the life you had built here. You loved your job and even though you didn't really have any friends and your family lived on the other side of the world, your colleagues were nice and you loved New York. 

The problem was, you had no idea what happened to you. You didn't follow the news, so you hadn't seen or read about the Inhuman problem. But you knew this wasn't something you went to the doctor with. The only way to figure it out was by yourself, by learning to control your powers. So far, that wasn't going very successful.

The problem with large crowds was this: if you got overwhelmed and lost control, your panic would overwhelm everyone around you, covering a large area. Your gift was powerful and that only made it worse.

What eventually busted your concentration this time was you walking into someone. Instead of accepting your apology, the man started yelling at you angrily. You could feel your control slip away and saw his eyes change from anger to fear really quickly. 

The effect was somewhat similar to that of a bomb scare. If you had yelled you had a bomb or saw one, people would have reacted exactly the same way. Instead now, everyone started running and yelling without any cause.

Humans are herd animals. That was another thing you had learned in the past week. 

Without trying to fix it, knowing you couldn't, you ran back to your apartment, pushed forwards by the crowd that had no idea what they were even running from. 

Having no patience for the elevator, you ran up the stairs two at a time. On the eleventh floor, you barged into your apartment, throwing the door into the lock behind you. You tried taking deep breaths but nothing seemed to calm you down. You paced back and forth, trying to shake the panic away.

Your breathes were heavy and you could feel a panic attack coming. Something got you out of your head before that could happen though. 

A knock on your door. 

Something so soft and simple that didn't fit the situation at all. You looked at it in confusion, not sure who that could be. 

''Y/N? This is SHIELD, we're here to help you.'' The voice was a woman's, gentle and careful but also urgent. ''Can you open up?''

Between the heavy breaths, you found enough air to answer her. ''Go away, I don't want your help.'' The woman wasn't alone, even though she wanted you to think that. There were more people with her, about three more, all ready for a fight if it came to that. 

The woman started to get frustrated and impatient. ''Look, we know you're the reason for those outbrakes and we just want to help.''

''I told you, I don't want it. Please just leave me alone.'' To be honest, you did need it and want it, but you didn't trust some random organization to simply help you. Organizations had an agenda and needed weapons. You were a weapon, whether you liked it or not and didn't want them to use you.

Daisy Johnson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now