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Summary: as an Inhuman, you can read people's minds. It can be helpful and fun, but not when you are asleep and Daisy has a nightmare, which is now also your nightmare. 

You shot up in bed, sweat glistening on your forehead and your hands clammy. The dream you had been having wasn't your own. 

You almost never picked up other people's dreams while you were asleep, which could turn out very awkward, but Daisy's dream was so loud that it was like she had put a big speaker next to your ear and was playing loud rock music on it. It was just impossible to ignore.

Daisy was dreaming about a lot of the things she had gone through in the past couple of years, all tied together in one nightmare. 

Her mother was there, showing her bad side, as well as the HYDRA Inhuman god disguised as Ward. It was all happening in the framework world, where she was being hunted for being Inhuman.

You jumped out of bed, seeing the clock had just hit four in the morning, threw on a hoodie and some socks and ran through the hallways of the base, not caring if anyone saw you. 

Where you had woken up, Daisy was still asleep and you could feel how much she was turning around in bed. 

While you were running, careful not to slip on the smooth tiles, you thought of the best way to wake her up. It probably wasn't the best to barge in and risk scaring her even more. So you caught your breath when you stopped at her door, silently pushing the door open. 

You were right about her restlessness. Her breathing was fast and she kept turning around, muttering to herself. 

You two had been dating for a couple months, but didn't sleep in the same bed every night. Mostly because life at SHIELD had weird work times and usually, one of you had a raport to finish or came back late from a mission. Sleep was holy so neither one of you wanted to wake up the other if you were sleeping in the same room and came in late. 

Carefully, you sat down on the edge of her bed, making sure you weren't too close to startle her and she saw you when she woke up. 

You tried waking her up by simply whispering her name a couple of times. When that didn't work, you gently touched her shoulder. That was what did the trick. 

Daisy startled awake like you did and for a second you scared her. 

''Hey, hey, it's okay, it's me,'' you whispered in the quiet room. 

As soon as she saw it was you, she calmed down and sat with her head in her hands, trying to push the nightmare out of her head. You just sat there, letting her calm down. You stayed out of her head, something you always did. Entering people's minds and reading their thoughts without their permission wasn't something you did. It was the equivalent of reading their diary's, only it was even more unfiltered. 

After a while, her breathing turned normal and she could speak again. ''I'm sorry, did I wake you up?'' she apologized, a sorry look in her eyes.

You smiled at her kindly. ''It's okay. You couldn't help it.'' You noticed her hands were still shaking and took them in your own. ''Do you want to talk about it? I hear it helps.''

Daisy shook her head. ''You already know what I saw.''

''That's true,'' you admitted, not knowing what else to say.

She looked at you shyly. ''Can you just stay with me tonight?''

You smiled, lifting the blankets and slipping under them. Daisy wasted no time in pushing her body against yours as best she could. When you wrapped your arms around her and stroked her hair, you could feel her muscles relax and her breathing quiet.

''Always,'' you breathed in her ear right before she fell asleep. 

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