Afterlife (2x16)

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Summary: instead of Lincoln being there when Daisy wakes up in Afterlife, it is you.

The second Gorden had knocked on your door, you knew it was something urgent. Usually, the man was all cool and calm, but his knock had something urgent. 

You had only been in Afterlife for a couple days. You didn't live there permanently, they just called you whenever they needed your expertise, which was medical care, especially Inhuman biology. 

If you weren't in Afterlife, you were working in the 'real world', travelling from place to place and helping people who needed a doctor. It was the work you loved most. Helping people was what filled your heart and got you out of bed in the morning. 

It may have had something to do with your youth, where nobody was there to help you until Gordon had found you and told you about your DNA. To be honest, it didn't surprise you that you were different, you had always felt that way. At Afterlife, you were given a chance to be more than human and passed through the mist when you were 18.

It left you feeling everyone's emotions. Jiajing had described it as empathy, you were an Empath. Feeling emotions, moods and temperaments of others and manipulating them was what you could do.

''Y/N?'' Gordon's voice travelled through the thick wooden door. You pushed the laptop off your knees and climbed off your bed.

A wave of worry washed over you when the door opened. Even when suppressing your abilities and blocking others out, you always felt something, even if you didn't mean to.

You frowned. You had never seen the man so worried. ''Gordon, what's going on?''

''We need your help.'' With 'we', he meant him and Jiajing. They were best buddies and he was her righthand man. Something about those two had always felt off and you had picked up some weird emotions from Jiajing, but had never confronted her with them. Jiajing was boss and you had to accept that.

You nodded, shutting your apartment door behind you and following Gordon out of the building. It was a beautiful day out, with people walking around the place, talking and smiling with each other. The vibe of Afterlife was relaxed, a safe place to be, away from the prying eyes of the world. 

As you followed Gordon, you realized where he was leading you. You frowned, confusion floating to the surface. 

''Did somebody go through the mist? I didn't know there would be a ceremony today.'' You were always present at the transformation ceremonies, as a doctor but also as an Empath who could calm the new Inhuman down if they were to panic.

''She wasn't transformed here,'' was Gordon's short answer, which didn't actually clarify anything, it just caused more questions.

It became clear who he was talking about when the doors to your workspace opened. On the table lay a woman, about the same age as you. Brown, long hair with bangs and a very beautiful face, even in her sleep. Someone had already prepped her for acupuncture, a standard procedure for anyone who went through the mist. 

You tried not to stare at her almost bare body, reminding yourself you were a professional. 

''I'm going to need some explanation here,'' you said to Gordon, one eyebrow raised in stubbornness. 

''You remember SHIELD?'' he asked you calmly. You nodded, knowing he couldn't see you but knew you nodded. ''They found one of the ancient temples and accidently set off an obelisk.''

You were silent, both from shock and because you were lost in thought. Nobody had transformed the traditional way in centuries. This woman was something special. 

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