New Year's

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Summary: it is New Year's and a party is going on inside the base. Daisy decides she wants a more private moment with you when midnight hits, so she takes you up to the roof to watch the fireworks. 

I'm a little early with this New Year's chapter but I hope you liked it. My DM's are still open for requests if you want to :)

There was a party going on downstairs, but while you had been talking to Jemma, Daisy had grabbed your wrist and tugged you out the door.

''Where are we going?'' You laughed, stumbling behind her with a drink your free hand. ''It's almost midnight.''

''I know,'' your girlfriend said mysteriously.

''D, where are you dragging me?'' You asked again, concentrating on keeping the liquid in your glass and not fall over your heels. Normally you weren't one to dress up, but you loved doing it for parties and you hadn't held back for your first New Year's at SHIELD.

''You'll see,'' she answered just as vague as before.

Knowing you weren't going to get any answers from her, you just followed her with a huge smile on your face. This was one of the things you loved about her. She was so spontaneous and came up with the weirdest but best ideas.

Daisy pushed a door open you hadn't even seen anybody enter or come out of before. Behind it was a steep metal staircase leading up. 

You stopped, waiting for Daisy to close the door behind you. ''Huh, I didn't know this was here.'' 

''That's because no one is supposed to come here.'' Daisy wiggled her eyebrows mischievously. ''Except that's exactly what we're doing.''

You chuckled, following her closely in the half-dark, careful not to step on your dress. ''You're such a rebel. How they ever let you stay...''

''You know, I ask myself that a lot,'' she laughed, turning around at the top of the stairs and taking your drink.

As soon as she pushed the door open at the top, wind flooded into the hallway. It wasn't too strong it swept you off your feet, but it was just enough to blow your hair around wildly.

You stopped once you realized where she was taking you, raising an eyebrow. ''The roof? You do know this is a secret base right? If we're spotted here-''

Daisy threw you a playful glare, impatiently pulling you further. ''Can you just enjoy this moment, please? We'll worry about all that after the fireworks.''

''Fireworks?'' You questioned.

Daisy nodded. ''That's why I dragged you up here. I haven't seen fireworks for New Year's in years and I know we have an amazing view of the town from up here.''

You smiled at her thoughtfulness. ''You're amazing. I love fireworks.''

''I had hoped so,'' Daisy chuckled, slowly guiding you towards the edge of the roof.

You followed her closely but stopped in your tracks when she climbed on the low wall at the edge of the roof and sat down casually, feet swinging over the edge. She looked at you questioningly, not sure why you had stopped. ''You may be able to break your fall but I will be a flat pancake on the pavement if I fall off.''

Daisy laughed, her eyes catching the moonlight and making them shine. ''You won't fall off. Not on my watch.''

You narrowed her eyes at her, unsure if she was joking or not, but gave in and carefully joined her, gratefully accepting her helping hand.

You felt like rebellious teenagers who snuck out at night to the roof of your parents' house. The booze completed the vibe.

Daisy had been right, the view of the town was amazing. The base wasn't high, but it was still taller than the rest of the houses in the area. The town was small and normally very quiet, but every town did fireworks for New Year's and you knew you weren't going to be disappointed.

''How long?'' You whispered to Daisy, your head on her shoulder, staring into the black of night. 

It was cold on the roof and you were definitely shivering, but that didn't matter. Daisy had her arm wrapped around you and slowly dragged her fingertips up and down your upper arm. 

She checked her watch, tilting it to catch some light. ''Three minutes.''

You hummed, raising your head to look at her to find she was already looking at you. ''Just enough time to do this,'' you whispered, capturing her lips with your own. You smiled when you felt her kiss you back eagerly.

It may not be the smartest idea to distract each other on the edge of a roof, three stories up.

''You're supposed to save that for midnight,'' Daisy chuckled as she pulled back slightly. 

''I wanted to do it now,'' you joked back. But Daisy saw the emotion in your eyes change into something more serious. ''Thank you, for this year. For everything you've done for me. For always being here when I need you. I love you and I love loving you.''

Her heart warmed at your words and she gripped your hand tightly. ''I love you, too. And I appreciate you. I don't say that often enough. I appreciate everything you do for me. I know I'm not easy so thank you for sticking around.''

You smiled at her. ''This year hasn't been easy and our life will never be as long as we are here, but trust me when I say you are the easiest part. The one constant I never, ever doubted this year.''

Daisy chuckled weakly, her tears shining in the faint starlight. ''You're going to make me cry.''

Your eyes widened. ''No, don't! If you cry, I have to cry.''

Your laughter mixed together in the silence. 

Right when your lips touched hers again, loud bangs interrupted you, putting your focus back on the town in front of you. 

Beautiful aerial fireworks in all kinds of bright colors burst apart against the black sky. Downstairs, people must be congratulating and hugging each other, everyone grabbing more drinks to celebrate the new year. You felt perfectly content being up here, just the two of you.

Both of you smiled widely at the view, jumping from time to time when a loud firework exploded. 

You felt Daisy staring at you so you looked back at her, reveling in the light flashes on her face. She seemed to be doing the same. The blush on your face, caused by her intense eyes, luckily wasn't visible in the night. 

She weaved one of her hands through your hair and brought her lips back to yours. ''Happy New Year,'' she whispered against them. 

Before you had the time to say it back, she cut you off by kissing you. Fireworks didn't only exist in the sky, they were also in your chest. The wind blew Daisy's brown hair into your face and tickled your cheeks. You were highly aware of her hand in your hair and on your arm. They caused more shivers than the coldness did.

She pulled back only when the fireworks started dying down. People running out slowly. 

You smiled at her brightly before laying your head back on her shoulder. ''Happy New Year,'' you finally said back, settling against her. Slowly, you sipped your drink, the champagne turning your head fuzzy. 

Eventually everything turned quiet and it was your cue to get off the roof and get back downstairs, where the party would continue for a while. 

You accepted her helping hand and followed her back to the stairs. Right before stepping back into the hallways of the base, you stopped her, tugging on her hand gently. ''Thank you for that.''

''You're welcome,'' Daisy smiled, watching you for a minute. The chatter reached your ears when she pushed the door open. ''Now we should probably get back before Mack finishes all the beers. I'm not drunk enough yet.''

You laughed, attracting some attention from agents who decided to go to bed for the night. ''Yeah, me neither.''

Truth was, the room was already spinning slightly but this night was so carefree and light-hearted you didn't want to give that up yet. The hangover the next day you would take for granted. This was one of the only days as an Agent you could let loose and enjoy yourself, so you followed your girlfriend back to the team, the warmth of the base warming you up slowly. 

Life was far from perfect, but on days like this, it came damn close.

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