What if...(Part 5)

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The finale! This is really long because I wanted to finish this. I promise I'll focus on one-chapter stories more next. I may refrain from doing multiple parts for a while because I love writing new stories every chapter. But don't worry, if you have already asked for a part two, it will come. It might just take a while. Loved this storyline and I hope you enjoyed this :)

The most unexpected person came to your aid. You had waited for HYDRA teams to come in, lurking in the shadows so you could jump them suddenly. But when you took the first seven down, another one aimed his gun at Daisy's chest, the laser dot pointed right at her chest.

''Stop right there!'' he ordered, and the anger on his face told you he meant business. He would not hesitate to shoot. 

Before you could let your powers do the job, a gun was slammed against the man's head and your mouth dropped open.

''Mack?'' you and Daisy exclaimed at the same time. You had never been more relieved to see the man, but while he let you and her come closer, he pointed his gun at May.

''I'm here to help you,'' he said bitterly, his eyes narrowed at the HYDRA Agent, ''not the woman who held my daughter hostage.''

Someone ran in, positioning himself between May and Mack. You smiled in relief when you saw it was Coulson. He may not remember you, but you did remember him now. If he was here, it meant Jemma was safe too. ''Not a good time to be holding guns on our allies. We have to go now.''

Coulson saw him hesitate, but the colleagues of the men lying unconscious on the ground kept asking about the situation. It wouldn't take long until they realized there was a problem. 

''Mack, I get it. These wounds don't heal overnight. But for reasons I can't fully explain, I trust this woman,'' he pushed Mack's gun down slowly. ''And so should you.''

His words, for some reason, came through. You saw how Mack gave in, the hate in his eyes making place for acceptance, although he was still wary of May.

''This place was originally built during Prohibition. We have a secret tunnel out of here.'' Both you and Daisy had to smile when Agent Burrows, who had been dead for some time in the real world, jogged up. It was amazing to see all these people again who you had long said goodbye to.

''Lead the way.''

Mack, being the strongest out of all of you, carried the man with the gunshot wound to his knee while the rest followed Burrows to the tunnels. 


You had been inside the base multiple times, but only now you had to laugh as soon as you set foot inside. This was the SHIELD base as you knew it from the real world. It was home away from home.

Even Daisy had to chuckle when the famous yellow doors slid open, revealing a very familiar hallway. ''So the secret base is the base. Probably should've guessed that.''

Mack left to go find Hope. You hadn't even realized until now that he would lose his daughter if the plan succeeded to bring the Framework down. It would rip his heart out to lose her all over again, this place felt so real, the people so real.

Coulson took May to look at the security footage on her body-cam. It had filmed the whole ordeal with the Patriot and the Enlightenment Camp. Maybe it had footage the resistance could use for the cause. Show the people what really happened inside.

''We should to talk to Simmons,'' Daisy said to you, Agent Burrows the only person left with you.

But Burrows shook his head, stopping you. ''She and Agent Triplett are on a recon mission.''

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