Chapter 62: The Second Day

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Mikaela woke up breathless.

Her head was pounding, and the remnants of her nightmare were still floating through her head. She took a moment to collect her surroundings: the hotel. Her single room. Comfy bed, desk across from the room, her volleyball bag on the floor, her boxed athletic prosthetic propped up against the side of the desk. Her phone on the desk beside her.

She reached for it and scrunched her face up at the bright screen. 5:30 am. Mikaela groaned- she wasn't supposed to be up for another hour.

She hadn't had a nightmare about her dad in a while.

Mikaela sighed and shut her phone off, letting it rest on the night table. She let her head fall back against the pillow and exhaled. Her mom had flown out... almost two months ago. As much as she hated her sometimes, she missed her. The lack of parental figures in her life was starting to catch up with her.

It had been over two years without her dad. She should be past this by now.

She sighed again. "Fuck," Mikaela said to the ceiling.

The ceiling didn't reply.

With a groan, she rolled herself out of bed. She wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep anyways.


"I bet Miya Atsumu's going to show up today."

Mikaela flinched slightly at the mention of her ex-boyfriend and turned to glare at Somi, who apparently couldn't keep her thoughts to herself. The crisp morning air blew her bangs into her eyes and she swiped them out of the way. "Somi," she said carefully, "we've got warm ups in twenty minutes and we're five minutes from the stadium. That shouldn't be a concern right now."

"So you think he's going to be there?" the setter pushed.

"Probably!" Taki piped up. "The volleyball gossip magazine said that you two were star-crossed lovers and bound to get together again."

She twisted to shoot Taki the most dumbfounded look she could imagine. "Gossip magazines don't know what they're talking about," Mikaela said with a roll of her eyes. "I haven't talked to Atsumu in ages."

"So you think he won't show up?"

"Yes, Somi, I know he won't show," Mikaela retorted, trying her best not to snap. "Even if he does, he's got his juniors to watch, not our game."

Somi's eyes gleamed. "Let's make a bet, then."

"Somi, we're-"

"If Miya Atsumu shows up to watch one of our games, you have to go the entire evening without your prosthetic!" the setter called. The lack of hesitation and the firmness in voice showed that she'd planned it for a while.

Mikaela didn't break stride, but her jaw dropped open and she stared blankly at Somi. "That's your request. That's your request? Why?"

"I want to draw it!" Somi said enthusiastically. "For an art project!"

"And you can't draw it while it's on my leg?"

"Captain, the only time you ever wear shorts is during practice or games. And you wear a skirt at school, but it's not like I can just get you to pose for me during lunch hours." She shrugged, not even beginning to see the weirdness of her request. "Please? I'll only need it for the night. You can have it back in the morning. You don't need it to sleep, right?"

"No, but I kind of need it to walk."

"Ah, details. Please? Captain? And that's only if I win the bet."

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