Chapter 2: The Introduction

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"Dumbass, what took you so long?"

"You're so mean," Hinata whined, plopping himself down in a seat next to Kageyama. Lunchtime had finally arrived, and the two volleyball dorks had chosen to invade an empty classroom to enjoy their lunches. He pulled out his lunch bag and started unpacking the sandwich his mother had made for him this morning. "I was talking to Kiyoko-san. I was helping her out."

Kageyama frowned, shifting in his seat. "What did she need help with? And why would she go to you for help?" He opened up his own lunch box.

"Bakayama!" the orange-haired spiker scolded, cheeks flaming red, biting down into his lunch. "She's looking for another manager." Kageyama's eyebrows shot up, suddenly interested, and he leaned forwards. "I know we just lost to the Great King and stupid Blue Castle-" his voice became grumbled and angry- "but she said she was looking for a new manager for next year. I guess she figured that I'm one of the only first years with people skills, besides Yamaguchi, so I talked to some of my friends who aren't busy doing anything-"

"Where's she now?" Kageyama interrupted.

Hinata cocked an eyebrow at his setter. "I think she's looking around for first years. Why?"

Kageyama stood up, slamming his lunch box closed again. "I know a girl who's interested. I should probably find Kiyoko-san before she gets another manager."

"Kageyama knows people?! A girl?!" Hinata gasped dramatically.

The black-haired boy glared. "Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?"

"Well, you're all... rawwwrrrrr and gwaaaa," Hinata said, making exaggerated hand motions as he tried to painfully represent Kageyama's personality, his half-eaten sandwich swinging in the air. Kageyama tried to cut him off with a glare but Hinata continued, much to his agitation. "You're antisocial and you get fed up with people really easily, and you scare people away."

"Dumbass," Kageyama snapped, moving towards the door of the classroom, "I just get fed up with you really easily." Hinata pouted. "And I don't scare people!"

"Yes, you do," Hinata argued, following Kageyama out of the room and down the hallways. "You have a scary face and a scarier personality!"

"No, I don't!" Kageyama growled at Hinata- quite literally- and swiped a hand at his shoulder.

Hinata, being the height he was, ducked easily. "See what I mean! Scary!"

Kageyama huffed. "No."

"Who's this person you know?" Hinata recalled, bouncing as he walked.

"Just my cousin," Kageyama shrugged.

"How come I've never met her? Does she like volleyball? Is she good at it?"

The setter blinked a few times. "Slow down, idiot. She just transferred here two days ago."

"Did you not show her around?" Hinata demanded loudly, jabbing an accusing finger at Kageyama. "Did she get lost? Has she made friends? Is she our year?"

Kageyama bared his teeth at the orange-haired ball of joy and Hinata shrieked, scampering away. "I showed her to the office! She can read a map fine! Yeah, she's a first year, like us."

"So she'll be our manager?"

"Yeah," he replied briskly. "She asked if there were any volleyball related positions open. If she knew that I could've got her a manager position and I didn't, she probably would've killed me."

Hinata laughed. "So she jokes around!"

"Nope," Kageyama opposed, "sometimes I think she's dead serious."

How to fly with clipped wings (English ver.) HAIKYUU!! FAN FICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now