Chapter 3: The Recognition

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Mikaela watched the boys' practice matches in complete and total awe.

Awe, because they were so goofy yet all so talented at the same time.

Awe, because most of their starting line were first and second years.

And complete and total awe because her cousin, Kageyama, was working with the team. Something he could never do and had never done in all her time knowing him.

The team had split into two sides and were playing three on three, with some of the others working on passing and serving at the side. Everything was going smoothly but she'd occasionally hear loud screams from some of the practicing players when they nailed a serve or made a good pass.

The team's coach- Ukai?- had popped in and out of the practice all evening. Takeda-sensei was overseeing practice, but apparently the coach had some things to attend to. The only interaction she had with him was when he noticed her and said, "New manager? Sweet," and then took off again.

"Yeaaaaaah!" someone howled from the practicing group. Mikaela looked over to see two of the boys- one short one with spiky hair and one with a buzz cut- screaming at the top of their lungs and high-fiving each other. To her mortification, the buzz cut guy took his shirt off and whipped it around over his head.

Shimizu seemed to notice her expression and smiled at her. "He does that. You'll get used to it."

"Oi, Tanaka! Keep your shirt on!" the captain called in between points, glaring at the shirtless volleyball player.

So his name is Tanaka. There were so many new people at once, and Mikaela was having a hard time remembering all the names. She made a point to remember the captains, Sawamura Daichi and Sugawara Koushi. Obviously, she knew Kageyama and the short ball of sunshine that was named Hinata from Kageyama's numerous texts. Of course, the texts were mostly complaints- 'he's way too stupid' or, her personal favorite, 'that stupid shrimp completely flubbed the first set, and he hit me in the back of a head with a serve!'. Mikaela smiled. Kageyama, who never had any friends besides herself, was finally becoming part of the time and making an effort to work with the others. The sight warmed her heart.

The team launched back into their practice match. On one side were Sugawara, the vice captain; the tall third year that was the team's ace, and the tall blond boy, that to her surprise, was a first year. The other side consisted of Hinata, Kageyama, and Daichi. The short matches went for about five minutes each before the teams switched around.

Since then, Mikaela had changed from her school uniform into grey track pants and a white, short sleeved t-shirt. It was much more comfortable, in her opinion, even if her leg was aching badly. Someone tapped her on the shoulder, and Mikaela jumped before turning around. It was just Shimizu. "How're you liking it?" she asked quietly.

"They're brilliant," Mikaela replied immediately. "For the most part, they've all got different skills that look like they'll click well together." Mikaela grinned. "I can't wait to see them play."

Shimizu nodded, smiling. "They definitely are a force to be reckoned with."

There was a shout, and Mikaela looked over just in time to see the tall ace hammer a powerful serve. The serve went right to Hinata, which Mikaela thought he would've returned effortlessly, but instead, it rebounded off his arms and to the back of the gym. Mikaela almost laughed- so this was what Kageyama meant when he had said, 'the shrimp has almost no skill!'. She was sure he'd get better.

"I'll get it," she called out. Shimizu tossed a different volleyball to the server on the other side, who was apologizing frantically to Hinata. Mikaela rolled her eyes- the team definitely seemed to have very vast differences in personality- and tried to jog over to the abandoned ball. The pain flared up her right thigh and she slowed to a walk.

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