Chapter 37: The Museum

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Saturday came way too quickly, and Mikaela wasn't prepared. At all.

It wasn't even the fact that this was a date that scared her. It was the fact she was going to be out in public with only one leg. The doctor has insisted that she go without her prosthetic while she was in her wheelchair phase and for at least part of her crutches phase so that she wasn't tempted to try and put weight on her other leg. It made sense, she supposed, but it didn't mean she liked it.

Combine her paranoia with the additional stress that this was a date. With a guy she actually liked.

Kageyama had heard that Tsukishima would be taking her home from the hospital. At first, he was a bit put out, but after realizing that they spending the day at a museum, he freaked out even more. Mikaela had tried to insist that it wasn't a date, but Kageyama surprisingly (he was pretty dense usually) picked up quite quickly that Mikaela had feelings for him.

He was displeased, to say the least. There was a lot of "seriously? That prick?" but he understood. Tsukishima had been there for her a lot when Kageyama couldn't, and to Mikaela's surprised, that had scored Tsukishima some points with the setter.

"It doesn't matter if I like it or not, it's your decision," Kageyama had grumbled. "Just don't do anything dumb."

His support had surprised her but had been a huge motivation for Mikaela to go through with this date. Now, it was Saturday, and Mikaela was stressed beyond belief. She was sitting in her wheelchair in the lobby, fidgeting nervously with her hospital bracelet.

Do I look okay? What if he stands me up? What if he doesn't like how I look? What if something goes wrong? What if I lose my other leg? What-

Mikaela groaned and slapped herself in the forehead. So dumb. You're going to be fine.

Kageyama had visited her every other day without fail as the week went on, just to check in and see how she was doing. The others popped by occasionally as well, but Mikaela hadn't seen Tsukishima since his initial visit on Sunday. Sure, they'd texted, but never for long and nothing personal.

"It'll be fine," Mikaela murmured to herself to calm her anxiety. "It'll be fine."

She wouldn't say she dressed up for this. She still had her hair up, like always, with her bangs framing her face. Kageyama had brought her the comfiest hoodie she owned- a burgundy sweater with white print on the front- and she was wearing loose grey sweatpants. She either had to wear shorts or loose pants so that she could tie the free pant leg up under where her knee ended.

Mikaela also only had one shoe on, which was a bit weird for her. Weird not just because there was only one, but because she was wearing sandals for the first time. She hadn't worn her sandals since the accident, and even now, she was rocking the socks-and-sandals look, but it was an improvement.

Come on, Tsukishima, where are you...

Two minutes later, the doors to the hospital lobby opened and Mikaela's head immediately snapped up. Tsukishima strolled in through the door, his hands jammed into the pockets of his jeans. He was wearing a grey, v-neck sweater and he had a backpack slung over one shoulder. He refused to make eye contact with her, instead choosing to walk towards her while glaring at the front desk.

"Tsukishima," Mikaela said, her tongue clogging her throat. "You, uh, well..."

Well, she couldn't exactly go out and say you look so freaking good right now.

"Mikaela," he greeted, finally meeting her eyes and shrugging. "Good to go?"

She nodded, holding up a large stack of papers attached together by a clip. "Yep. Paperwork is all done and good to go. My mom came by this morning and finished all of it. I just need to come back twice a week for check-ups."

How to fly with clipped wings (English ver.) HAIKYUU!! FAN FICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now