Chapter 43: The Video

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Mikaela hadn't even realized it was the last day of training camp until Fuki showed her the schedule for the day and it ended briefly after lunch. She'd asked, "why so soon?" and he'd remarked, "it's the last day of camp."

Last... Last day of camp? Already?

Thankfully, he didn't need her for many drills today, so Mikaela mostly helped with paperwork: finalizing reports, printing player profiles, copying down the statistics into the folders. It was a nice opportunity to reflect on the chaotic volleyball camp week. She couldn't even believe everything that had transpired in the past few days: a fight with Kageyama, meeting Motoya and Chigaya (and Sakusa, she supposed), that video going viral, talking to Tsukishima, possibly getting back into volleyball competitively...

Mikaela had to pause what she was writing and exhale.

That's a lot for one week.

The pen she was using didn't seem to like being held in one place too long- ink blotted against the page. Mikaela sighed, lifted the pen, and kept writing. She'd seen Kageyama today and had avoided him like the plague, worried that he might still be angry. Obviously, I can't avoid confrontation forever, but for now...

She nearly jumped from her seat when Fuki wandered back into the office. "How're you doing?"

"Good," Mikaela replied, holding up the player profile for him to see. "Only have a few more to go."

"You know, you could've typed those."

"Yeah, but it's so much more satisfying when you write them. You know? The only problem is that my font style with my left hand is slightly different than my right, so I have to stick with one hand throughout."

Fuki rolled his eyes. "Must be rough, only being able to write with one hand."

She smirked. "Yeah, painful."

"Anyways, Hujita wants to see you." Mikaela straightened up, suddenly a bit more awake. "Not right away. Finish up those profiles, then you can go see her, in her office. It should take you... fifteen more minutes?"

"Bet I can do it in ten," Mikaela said sharply, hand already drifting to the next page.

The coach sighed. "It's not a race, Mikaela."

"Me against the clock!"

With a sigh, he closed the door, leaving Mikaela to her player profiles in peace. Nine minutes later, she placed a neat stack of player profiles (organized alphabetically, of course) on the coach's desk and left to go see Hujita.


"That was a nice hit."

Mikaela blinked. "Sorry?"

Hujita smirked, leaning back in her seat. Her office was exactly the way it was when Mikaela had stopped by at the start of the week, but her desk was significantly cleaner of papers and files. "That video that went viral. There's probably not a soul in Japan who hasn't seen it by now." Mikaela flushed and was about to protest when Hujita interrupted. "Screw Japan, this is the Internet we're talking about here. Every person with social media has seen it by now. Namely, teenagers."

"Trust me, that wasn't my intention," Mikaela grumbled, slouching in her seat.

She laughed. "Regardless, you're famous now."

"Infamous is more like it."

"Same difference, really. You're getting attention."

Mikaela sighed, resisting the urge to hide her face in her hands. "Don't remind me."

How to fly with clipped wings (English ver.) HAIKYUU!! FAN FICTIONOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant