Chapter 39: The Coach

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Her crutches were actually kind of cool.

November 30th, Mikaela went back to the hospital for her usual check up, and Doctor Sukiyaki informed her that she could now move on from the wheelchair to crutches. The crutches were custom designed (as per her mother's order) and were actually sort of comfortable. They weren't like typical crutches that rested under her armpits and had handles she would grab. These ones slipped over her elbows.

The crutches consisted of a long, silver pole with a rubber end on one side and a funky hand contraption on the other. Mikaela would slip her hand through a cylindrical opening and grab a handle that protruded from the other end of the pole. The top part of the contraption would fasten around her elbow for extra support. It made walking quite easy, surprisingly enough, because Mikaela wasn't just using her hands to prop herself up but her whole arm.

Even better, she could bend her elbow and the contraption went with the motion. Meaning, if she was just standing, she could move her arms (past the elbow) and could hold a clipboard, write down notes, and hand things out to people while still getting the necessary support.

These crutches were miracle workers.

It had taken her a few days to get used to walking again- after all, she'd gone a month without using her legs whatsoever. By the time she and Kageyama were supposed to leave for the five day camp, she'd only been on crutches for a few days.

It was Wednesday, December 5th, and they were supposed to be at the site for the camp by 11. Mikaela knew she'd slow them down so she made sure that they'd be extra early getting to the train station. "Come on, Tobio, we're going to miss the train," she called over her shoulder.

"I'm coming," he complained, jogging to catch up with her. "Do you even know where to go?"

"Roughly. You have the sheet from Takeda?"

He held it up. Takeda had written down where to go and what to do so that they could get to their destination. What a godsend he is. "Right here," Kageyama said with a frown, "and seeing as I'm the one with a sheet and I've got both legs working, I should lead."

She scowled. "Rude."

"At least they're letting you wear your prosthetic again," he pointed out.

Mikaela sighed, glancing down at her fake right leg, covered by track pants and a running shoe. That was the best part about transitioning to the crutches, she supposed; she was free to use her prosthetic again. Even if she couldn't put any weight on it, at least she had it. It made her one hundred times more comfortable in public.

They found their train and made it inside, sitting down. Mikaela pulled out her phone and brought up the email she'd received from Fuki Hibarida. "At least he was kind enough to say I could lodge at the institute," she murmured, rereading the line to make sure she hadn't made it up.

He nodded. "Yeah."

"I was wondering, actually..." Mikaela trailed off, then glanced at her cousin again. "Do you think the girls' camp is going to be held at the same place?"

"Probably," Kageyama replied without hesitation. "Why?"

Isn't it obvious?

"Never mind," she mumbled, leaning back into her seat. She tilted her head away from him, looking towards the window. "Never mind."

Kageyama dropped the topic, clearly just as ready to get to this camp as she was. The realization that the girls' camp was probably at the same place made her blood run cold- would she have to run into any of the Niiyama girls?

How to fly with clipped wings (English ver.) HAIKYUU!! FAN FICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now