Chapter 12: The Incident part.2

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Takeda tossed him the volleyball, and Kageyama bounced the ball off his fingertips in an arc. He turned immediately, watching the ball fall just short of the water bottle- his target spot. He gritted his teeth. "Another!" he demanded, and Takeda grabbed another volleyball.

No sooner had he set it (missed again, damn it) when Sugawara called his name. "Kageyama! I think your phone's ringing!"

The setter frowned. Who was calling? He thanked Takeda for throwing to him and jogged over to the team's bags, which were all collected in one corner of the gym. "This is your bag, right?" his senior asked, pointing at Kageyama's bag.

He nodded. "Yeah, thank you." Kageyama unzipped his bag and pulled out his phone, glancing at the screen. Mikaela? He hit a button on his phone and brought it to his ear. "Kaisha? What's up?"

"Kageyama, for the love of god, you better tell me what the hell is up with your cousin."

He paused. Sugawara glanced over at him. "Tsukishima? What'd you want? Why do you have Kaisha's phone?"

"Because, your Majesty, she's on the ground, in pain, and she can't walk," the blond retorted bluntly, and Kageyama froze. "She just told me to call you. What the hell do I do?"

Kageyama cursed- loudly. He glanced back at the pile of bags, and sure enough, his cousin's was still there. He grabbed the straps of her bag and tossed it over his shoulder. "I'm on my way," he said, already running towards the door, nearly knocking over Tanaka in his hurry.

"Bruh! What's the rush?" Tanaka cried out.

"Kageyama?" Sugawara called. "What's wrong?"

"I'll be back," he called back, stumbling out the door. "I'll explain later!"


"He hung up," Tsukishima told her, handing her phone back to her. "He says he's on his way but he told me nothing about what the hell this is."

She grunted in response, tucking her phone in her jacket pocket. "Thanks," she croaked out, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. Please hurry, she thought, not sure when the next wave of cramps would happen.

"Mind explaining to me what the hell is going on?" the blond snapped.

Mikaela was getting so tired of dealing with him that she forced out, "cramps, dumbass." His eyebrows flew to the top of his head and she saw his cheeks tinge red, and then she groaned. "No, not those s- sort of cramps, d- dumbass. Leg cramps."

"Leg cramps," he repeated. "And how is your cousin supposed to help?"

"He'll b... he'll bring me my bag."

"And what's that going to do?"

She hissed through her teeth; the next wave of cramps caused her to wince. "Medi- fuck," she scowled, blinking tears away.

Tsukishima grew quiet, moving into a seated position rather than a crouch. "Medication?" he asked, and she nodded. "This happens regularly?"

"It's not- shit- not supposed to," she said with a gasp as her calf seized up. "Ow, ow, ow, fuck."

"You've got quite the colorful vocabulary."

"Sh- shut the fuck up, Tsu- Tsukishima."

The blond didn't take notice of her retort, instead of observing her as she winced and leaned over, reaching her hands out to touch her toes. "Is there..." he trailed off. Mikaela saw him lace his fingers together. "Is there anything I can do that would help?" he said quietly, almost sounding embarrassed. "Not that I care," he added hastily.

How to fly with clipped wings (English ver.) HAIKYUU!! FAN FICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now