Chapter 44: The Coffee Date

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"I'm home," Miya Atsumu called loudly, not expecting anyone to answer to his return home, despite being gone for a week. Osamu was probably shut up in his room, and his parents were... at work, probably. He sighed, kicking off his shoes and tugging his bag in the doorway. "So nice to be loved," he muttered sarcastically.

"Sumu? You home?"

He stiffened, surprised. "Osamu? You're-"

There was a loud slam of the door that shut Atsumu up. Footsteps thundered down the hallway and Osamu slid into view in the front doorway, the biggest smirk on his face. Atsumu was startled- what had gotten into his brother?- and before he could bring it up and ask, Osamu shoved a phone in his face.

"Hey! What-"

"Who is this girl," Osamu said, his voice practically a wheeze, "and can I marry her?"

Atsumu's jaw dropped. "Hey!"

"I mean," he laughed, replaying the video, "what a shot."


"So what'd you say? Did you insult her?"

"Shut up!"

"Did it hurt? Please say it hurt-"

"Shut up!"


Mikaela blinked the sleep out of her eyes wearily. How long had she been sleeping? Had she fallen asleep on Tsukishima's shoulder like last time? That'd be kind of nice, honestly.

She opened her eyes completely and realized that that was not the case.

Mikaela was completely and totally tangled up with Tsukishima on the same couch that she was supposed to be sleeping on- alone, that is- and it was only six in the morning. They had practice at seven. Her arm was tucked awkwardly under her head and her other hand was on his chest. She shifted slightly and froze- his hand was tangled in her hair, and her legs were intertwined with his.

"What the..." she muttered under her breath, letting her head sink back onto her arm awkwardly.

Oh, she was never moving. Hell, could she skip school? How nice would that be?

Mikaela snuggled back into the warmth of Tsukishima- hang on, where'd the blanket come from? Why'd they have a blanket on top of them?- and closed her eyes again, silently praying to fall asleep again. Unfortunately, she never did fall asleep again, but she didn't move at all until Tsukishima started to wake up.

"Mm..." Mikaela nearly flinched when she heard him mumble. "What..."

"Shut up," she murmured back, nuzzling her head into the crook of his neck.

"Mik?" he croaked tiredly. "What time is it?"

Mikaela's heart nearly exploded from the spontaneous use of a new nickname and she struggled to keep her voice steady when she replied. "Almost six thirty. We have time."

He sighed, and they were quiet for another moment before Tsukishima said, "Your Highness, my arm's asleep."

Mikaela rolled her eyes but smiled to herself, using her hands to prop herself up so she was in a seated position, not on Tsukishima's legs. Yawning, Tsukishima sat up next, adjusting his glasses (he'd slept with those on? Yikes) and squinting at the clock across the room. He grumbled something that Mikaela couldn't catch and pushed himself to his feet.

"Thank you," Mikaela said softly.

He turned around and cocked an eyebrow at her. "For?"

"For..." she trailed off, then waved vaguely at the couch. "That."

How to fly with clipped wings (English ver.) HAIKYUU!! FAN FICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now