Chapter 15: The Truth

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A/N: The chapter we all been waiting for! Here we GO!

Tsukishima was very aware of two things:

One, their new manager was irksome and, generally, a pain in the ass.

Second, she was also the dumbest and most persistent person he'd ever met.

He knew from watching her and from whatever the hell happened yesterday that excessive physical activity wasn't good for her or her injury; yet here she was, participating in volleyball practice, offering to go and fetch tape or whatever it was, and doing anything she could to be active. Despite being so closed off about volleyball, she was doing anything she could to be near the sport.

Tsukishima just couldn't understand it.

He had seen how much it hurt her, how much pain she was in when her cramps or whatever it was kicked in. And from what he heard when she and Kageyama were talking, it was linked to how much physical activity she did.



He glared at her as she lined up next to him. Why the hell would she put herself through so much pain for a sport? What did she have to gain from it?

It was just so dumb.

Tsukishima pinched his lips together as he thought of Yamaguchi and their encounter just outside the gym, not even five minutes ago. Pride? What was so important about pride? Wanting to be the best, working hard to improve... That was one thing. But putting yourself through pain?

"What'd you want?" she snapped at him, and he blinked back to reality when he realized that he had been staring.

He smirked at her. "Just noticing how short you are."

"I'm not short!" Mikaela protested, glaring at him. "You're just way too tall." She glared at something behind him; Tsukishima turned and saw the Nekoma captain in line behind him. "Seriously, both of you. You're both ridiculously tall, how am I supposed to make a difference here?"

Kuroo tossed her a shit-eating grin. "We just liked bothering you."

Mikaela's face flushed. "You little-"

"Little?" Tsukishima teased, grinning. "You're the only short one here, Your Highness."

"I'm not short!"

"Shorty," Kuroo and Bokuto said in unison, grinning at each other.

Mikaela huffed, shaking her head. "I hate all of you. So much." She shot Tsukishima a glare, then glanced at the other side of the net at the Fukurodani setter, Akaashi Keiji. "Except you, you're nice."

Akaashi raised an eyebrow. "Thank you."

"Set it for me, Akaashi!" Bokuto called, and the setter followed his command. Tsukishima waited until Bokuto was in the air before he jumped, raising his arms above his head. The ace hit the ball with enough force to blow straight through Mikaela's hand and hit the other side of the court. "Yeah!" he cheered.

Mikaela sighed. "Well, that went exactly as expected."

"Don't you know how to jump, Temper-san?" Kuroo said with a smirk. "Your feet barely left the ground."

"Shut up, Rooster."

"Yeah, I thought you were supposed to be good, Your Highness," Tsukishima taunted.

He watched her stiffen up. "I'm not good," she snapped, her voice icy, "I was just on the team in Junior High."

Tsukishima grinned. "That's not it."

How to fly with clipped wings (English ver.) HAIKYUU!! FAN FICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now