Chapter 11: The Threat part.1

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Mikaela stayed the night at Kageyama's house, sleeping on the floor of his room. His parents were out- they typically were, for business trips and such- so she wasn't intruding nor did she have any problems sneaking into his house.

He didn't ask her anything, which she appreciated. Her cousin just took her inside, handed her a towel and steered her to the bathroom so she could shower, and threw her clothes in the dryer. Mikaela scrubbed at her face like no tomorrow when she showered, trying to erase any feeling of her mother's hand on her face. Her wrist received the same treatment- endless barrages of soap and such until her skin was scrubbed raw.

When she'd finished, she went to the small guest room in Kageyama's house and found her track pants and one of Kageyama's sweaters sitting on the bed. She'd kept her underwear, choosing to hang those up to dry in the bathroom while she showered. She smiled slightly, slipping the track pants on and tossing Kageyama's sweater over her head. He's the best.

Mikaela left her hair down so it would dry and left the guest room, navigating her cousin's house until she found his room. The door was swung open and she peered inside. To her surprise, Kageyama was laying down a mat, blanket, and a pillow on the floor.

He looked up. "Oh. I just didn't know if you'd, uh, rather sleep here or..." he trailed off.

"Here would be nice," she said softly, walking into his room. "Thank you."

Kageyama only nodded and moved back to sit on his own bed. Mikaela moved to the mat on the floor and sat down, cross-legged. "So, uh," Kageyama said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head, "do you... want to talk about it?"

"Nothing to talk about," she immediately quipped but her words were quickly followed by a sigh. "Yeah, that's a lie."

He smirked. "Yeah."

They both sat in silence for a few seconds. Mikaela had a miniature debate in her head as she tried to decide what she could tell Kageyama. Then again... he was her best friend. If she couldn't talk to him, then who could she talk to? "Um," she mumbled, her hand involuntarily rising to touch her cheek. "I uh, tried bringing up the training camp to my mom."

The setter had never really been one for private conversations, but he did his best: Kageyama sat quietly and listened to his cousin. "She didn't take it well," Mikaela continued, shaking her head. "She, uh, yelled. A lot. And I did too."

"Is that why you ran?" he asked quietly.

She didn't reply.

"You're not a runner," he said, watching her face for any signs of emotion. "You've never been a runner. Only a fighter. What did she say to make you run?"

Mikaela didn't know what to say. "It's not what she said," she mumbled when she got her voice back. "It's more... more like what she did."

Sure, Kageyama was pretty oblivious to most things. Mikaela was someone he understood; she was very similar to himself. Temperamental, prideful, stubborn, competitive. He'd learned to read her pretty well over their years spent together in middle school, and even now, he knew there was something she wasn't saying.

That, and she kept touching her cheek...

Not what she said, but what she did.

Kageyama's eyes widened in realization and fury. "Did she hit you?!"

She visibly flinched, and Kageyama went silent in shock. She suddenly looked so... small. This was not a Mikaela he was used to seeing. "You have no tact, honestly," she huffed quietly, tucking her knees up to her chest. She looked away. "...yeah. So I took off."

How to fly with clipped wings (English ver.) HAIKYUU!! FAN FICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now