Chapter 19: The Dreaded (but Necessary) Conversation

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A/N a little bit long chapter...enjoy it!

Jogging was horrible.

Mikaela managed to run with her cousin for about ten minutes before she felt like her lungs were collapsing in on her. Kageyama walked her home and finished his own run while she sat on her front step for forty minutes and fumed angrily, cursing her prosthetic leg.

Her mother was horrible.

The black-haired girl, when not working on homework or school assignments, was dragged into tutoring lessons from online teachers that she slept through. Her mother was on her case about studying, and Mikaela wasn't pleased.

School was also (you guessed it!) horrible.

Mikaela had never been good at paying attention in class. She always got distracted or would doodle on her paper, and then she'd complain when she didn't understand the lesson. Unfortunately, summer break was very much over, and school was no more interesting than it had been before the break.

Her only saving grace was that Yamaguchi and Tsukishima were in her class. She'd never really talked to them before the break- although Yamaguchi had made some efforts to include her in their conversations- but now, after the training camp, she'd started walking with them to lunch in a different classroom with Kageyama, Hinata, and Yachi. They'd worked on a math assignment together that had gone pretty well.

But class started getting a bit more annoying when Kahano Yukinagi pushed her way in to their routine.

Mikaela didn't know when it started, but she started noticing a girl with long auburn hair and pretty hazel eyes that kept going out of her way to talk to Tsukishima. She'd ask him for help on questions she didn't understand (he'd tell her to go ask someone else), she tried to strike up a conversation with him before class (she was ignored) and she even tried to get Tsukishima to join her for lunch. That didn't go her way either.

Mikaela had done her best to ignore this new girl, but she was so irritating that it was proving difficult.

"Good morning, Tsukishima-kun," Kahano chirped when the blond entered the class on a Thursday morning, Yamaguchi by his side.

The manager nearly laughed out loud when Tsukishima ignored her, going to take his seat with his best friend, which was a row in front of Mikaela's seat. Yamaguchi shot her a desperate look and Mikaela smirked at him, shrugging.

"Did you understand the homework?" the auburn-haired girl said, trying in vain to keep the conversation flowing. "It was difficult, but I'm sure you did fine."

"It was fine," Tsukishima said with a shrug, propping his elbow up on the desk and resting his chin in his palm.

Yamaguchi nodded along. "Yeah, question four was-"

"Could you help me out with it later?" Kahano asked eagerly, cutting the dark-haired boy off. Yamaguchi looked a bit put-out, but Mikaela kicked the back of his chair with her foot and shook her head. Not his fault- he wasn't the source of interest for her.


She pouted. "Why not?"

Tsukishima was saved from answering when the teacher entered the class. Kahano sighed and moved back to her seat with another girl, who punched her lightly in the arm and giggled. The two girls looked at Tsukishima in unison, then looked back at each other and started giggling again. The teacher began the lesson, but Kahano and her friend kept turning around and glancing at Tsukishima (if he noticed, she couldn't tell) before turning back to each other and giggling again.

How to fly with clipped wings (English ver.) HAIKYUU!! FAN FICTIONWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt