Chapter 61: His Eyes

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Second Year- the day after the break up.

"You good, Tsukki?"

He jerked his head up and glared at his best friend. "Fine."

Yamaguchi frowned, crossing his arms. "You sure? You've been pissed off all day. Like, more than usual."

"Aw, Saltishima's in a bad mood?" Hinata taunted as he skipped by, a volleyball under each arm. Tsukishima glared at him, but the orange-haired boy seemed undeterred. He dashed away to the volleyball cart and tossed the contents of his arms inside.

"I think I'd know if I wasn't fine," Tsukishima said with a snort, rolling his eyes and grabbing his backpack. "Are we leaving or not?"

"Leaving," Yamaguchi assured him, grabbing his own backpack.

They left the gym in silence, with the rest of the team packing up behind them. Most of them had vanished into the change rooms, but Kageyama and Hinata were still serving across the gym. Tsukishima caught Kageyama's eye and glared at him; the King glared right back at him. Tsukishima turned away and matched stride with Yamaguchi, determined to get home.

Thankfully, Yamaguchi didn't question him any further. Not like he would've mentioned he and Mikaela breaking up, anyways- it had only happened yesterday. If Mikaela hadn't told him, then there was no way that Yamaguchi would know.

"Hey! Tsukishima!"

He paused and turned, then stifled a groan. "What'd you want, your Majesty?" Tsukishima snapped, stopping in his tracks.

Yamaguchi paused next to him, and Tsukishima noticed him stiffen out of the corner of his eye. Kageyama stopped his run, coming to a rest only a few feet away from him. He looked pissed, and Tsukishima had a pretty good idea of what it was about. "I think you know," Kageyama said coldly.

Hell, I'm not dealing with this now. "No, I don't," he lied, clicking his tongue. "Why don't you go back to-"

Kageyama lunged forwards and seized the front of his jacket. Tsukishima barely had time to jerk his head back as Kageyama swung his other hand out. The setter's fist grazed his chin, and Tsukishima's head snapped back. "Kageyama!" Yamaguchi cried out, rushing to his defense.

"You made her cry!" Kageyama snapped, his grip tightening on Tsukishima's collar. He didn't try to swing again, but his eyes screamed bloody murder. "You said- you said you wouldn't hurt her!"

"Kageyama!" Yamaguchi shouted, and he pulled at Kageyama's shoulders. "Stop it!"

Tsukishima couldn't even bring himself to shove Kageyama away. His jaw ached from the hit. All he did was glare at Kageyama, matching his cold blue glare and trying not to think about how his eyes were identical to hers. Finally, he brought his hands up to grab Kageyama's wrist and pulled him off. Combined with a final tug from Yamaguchi, Kageyama finally let go.

"Kageyama! What's gotten into you?" the pinch server cried out, stepping between Tsukishima and Kageyama. "Calm down!"

With a furious glare on his face, Kageyama pointed at Tsukishima. "She doesn't find out about this," he warned, his voice cold. "She doesn't need to know."

The setter turned and jogged back to the gym.

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi stood on the path, frozen in place, and Tsukishima brought his hand up to touch his jaw. The nerve. The King had actually hit him. It wasn't even his fault- she was the one who insinuated it, she was the one who ignored him. Why the hell was he at fault? Did she- did she spin the story and make him out to be the bad guy? Tsukishima disregarded the thought almost immediately- no, Kageyama would've come at him regardless of what she told him.

How to fly with clipped wings (English ver.) HAIKYUU!! FAN FICTIONNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ