Chapter 8: The Unexpected Meet Up

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Kageyama knew better then to try and reason with his cousin before she calmed down, at least a little. Her footsteps were heavy in her sneakers, surprisingly, but she hadn't said a word the entire walk back. From the gym, Kageyama's house was further, but they started walking home together once Mikaela joined Karasuno, normally with Hinata. There was a ten minute walk to her house, and another five minutes down to his own.

He hadn't seen her this angry in a long time.

"I'm sorry," he said after a good five minutes of walking in silence.

Mikaela shrugged. "Yeah, well, nothing much more I can do about it."

"How's your leg?" he asked quietly.

She scoffed, "Feels fantastic." She was more sarcastic when she was angry. "But it's been acting up lately."

"Acting up?" Kageyama repeated.

"Yeah," Mikaela said, kicking the ground. "The little 'attacks' that the doctor mentioned feel like they're going to happen. I tried serves a couple days back, when you had your tests, and couldn't go more than fifteen minutes before my left leg seized up."

"Left?" he said in confusion. "I thought it was your right."

"It is, you idiot," Mikaela complained with no hatred behind her words, rolling her eyes, "but what they said was if I work out or stress my legs at all, my left leg has to do most of the work because of my injury, so too much work can lead to the muscles seizing up." She grimaced. "That, and I've been blowing off my physio sessions. They were pointless, really."

Kageyama exhaled slowly. "So... You really can't ever play again?"

"No," she reasoned. "I'm taking the medication they gave me every morning and every evening. Trust me, I missed one evening once and it felt like I would never walk again." Mikaela let out a dry laugh. "I miss one time, and my legs shut down. I couldn't stand. Thank the gods I had my pills within arm's reach."

"What happened?" he asked.

"I took the medication, and my legs felt fine within minutes," she replied.

Kageyama nodded slowly. "And the cases are in your bag, right?"

Mikaela nodded, and patted the blue and black backpack that was hoisted over her back, with a zippered pouch on the front. "Yep. They're both in the front pouch. There's a yellow case for the morning, and a blue case for the evening. If I ever need it, that's where they are. I should be fine, though." She huffed, then smiled, her argument with the boys forgotten. "No need to worry, idiot."

"I'm not worrying," Kageyama denied with a scowl, glaring off into the distance.

Mikaela laughed and punched him playfully in the shoulder. "I don't believe you!"

They reached a fork in the road. One path continued going straight, and another led to the right. This was where they split up- and whenever Hinata walked home with Kageyama, he would continue straight with the setter before peeling off to his own house. Mikaela turned right. "See you, Kags."

"Kaisha?" he called at the last minute before she got out of hearing range.

The black-haired girl turned around, her eyebrows knit in confusion. "What is it?"

"Tomorrow," he said slowly, "I think I'm going to go check out something. A kids program that's run by a pro. Do you want to come?"

She didn't ask why, but she nodded. "Sure, why not."

Kageyama smirked. "Good night, Kai."

"Night, Tobio."

They looked really out of place, walking through the courtyard, smaller children running circles around them. Kageyama was as stiff as a board and walked like a robot (Mikaela laughed at him behind his back) but they made their way up a set of stairs anyways. Children hustled around them, chatting excitedly. One kid accidentally bumped into Kageyama and Mikaela's cousin gave him the dirtiest glare she'd ever seen. "Sorry," the black-haired boy mumbled.

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