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I'm stronger
'cause you fill me up
But when the fear comes and
I drift towards the ground...


Chimdi woke up with the sun, and a raging headache that could last her a lifetime.

Her hurting eyes tried to adjust to the sunlight streaming in through the glass window. An all too familiar scent filled her nostrils and making her aware of her surrounding. Only one person smelt that way. Like fresh air, neat laundry and the natural intoxicating scent of masculinity.

Immediately, she felt her pulse quicken as the memory of what had taken place last night came down in full force. Her mind replayed all that had happened.

She felt her body being carried and dropped on the soft mattress. Her eyes immediately opened, staring into his tired ones.

"Uh- what are you doing?" She'd stuttered, leaning away from him.

He'd rolled his eyes, laying a comforter over her half dressed body.

"I'm trying to steal your bed, what do you think."

"Ha ha! smartass." She snorted, sleepy.

He'd only chuckled at her weak attempt to shoo him away, before tucking her to bed, looking as tired as she was.

"Try to get some sleep okay." He'd tried to go away but she'd held him back, feeling her heart beat in staccatoed tune.

"Don't go yet," she'd whispered, startling them both.

And the rest was history.

She dug her head into her into her pillow, screaming profanities into them.

But her mind wasn't done with the tormenting session yet.

"Sing me a lullaby."

Seriously Chimdi? She groaned.

Lullaby for real? just kill me!

She stayed there for a while, feeling every shade of embarrassed till she decided she needed to get on with her morning. She reeked of sweat and her stomach began seeking for attention.

She rushed to the bathroom, taking the longest bath in the history of baths. Now, she found herself in the walk-in closet, looking for comfortable clothing while feeling an unexplainable kind of energy enveloping her.

When she walked out, the sight before her had her screaming.

TJ was sitting on the window seal, looking fresh and comfortable on a black chase deer and brown combat shorts. His eyes fixed on his cellphone. And when he had her scream, he found himself skin to surface, against the hard tiled floor.

"Why the fuck did you just imitate a banshee!" He almost screamed, feeling his pulse quicken as he picked himself from the floor. Hands massaging his elbow.

She glared at him. "You are the one to blame!"

"Oh really? Was I the one who was screaming like she'd been mugged minutes ago?"

"Seriously? You just had to sneak up on me! You made my heart skip ten years in a minute."

He eyes sparkled with mischief as he drew near. "I really made your heart skip?"

"Of course! You just have to get everything twisted!" She huffed, breezing pass him, as she made to the vanity to curl the edges of her hair.

He grinned as he followed her. "Aww, c'mon. This wasn't how I envisioned this morning to be. Not even a good morning kiss for me?"

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