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When the sun goes down
And when it comes back up
We got our aces out.


"I want braidsss..." Nene drawled out, one hand running through her neatly packed, unbraided hair while the other scrolled through pictures of neat and captivating African braid styles on Pinterest.

Chimdi hissed, eyes on phone. "Then go make one!"

"You don't get." The darker girl groaned, sitting upright. "I don't want to sit. I just want to leave my head at a fancy saloon then come back to a perfectly made hair. Is that too much to ask for?"

Lara looked up from her Accounting textbook, she's been trying to figure out the assignment since they left their hostel. She stared at the darker girl for a good five seconds before hissing. "Are you for real?"

"But I'm serious," Nene continued, dangling her cell phone. "And bored too. When will we get the text nah, I'm tired already."

"Can you stop talking already, we are all waiting!" Chimdi snapped. Frustrated that TJ hadn't replied her message since morning.

They'd both chatted till almost daybreak last night, talking about everything silly and random.

She'd concluded that he was definitely a certified clown and had tried to stifle her giggles at every comment he made last night.

After an exchange of good morning message, with Chimdi asking how his night was, he'd left her on read.

Part of her thought it was payback for leaving him on read last two nights, but she thought otherwise. No one heard from the guys after Jiki sent a quick text about sorting out things.

Eager with anticipation, they'd skipped breakfast, with hopes of wishing Elo a happy birthday.

"What's your problem!" Nene shot back, sending an annoyed glare Chimdi's way.

Chimdi rolled her eyes, "I don't have a problem Nens, just stop whining, you're not the only one tired of waiting."

"And you're not the only one here Dee!"


"That you don't necessarily need to comment on everything!"

"I'd have kept to myself if only you stopped-"

"Okay ladies!" Lara liaised, shutting close her books. "A little bit of civility please! I'm trying to figure out an assignment from hell here and all you two do is bicker!!" Her little speech was graced with a long heart dropping hiss from the girls.

And she let it go, as long as they remained silent.

The silence ensured for what seemed like a long 30 seconds, followed by a frustrated groan from Chimdi and a glare from an interrupted Lara.

"What now?"

Nene's cell phone dinged, and the brewing argument about to ensure was cut short as they lit up with hope.

"Who was that?" Chimdi asked, sitting upright and relieving her stiff back of cramps.


They gathered round to view the content of the message.

"Swim class!" Lara screamed, stuffing her books into her backpack.

And they hurriedly made their way to where the boys were. They had few minutes to spare before the usual Friday assembly.

They stepped into the deserted hallway of the school's swim class. The blue walls reflected on the clear pool, making the pool a shade darker.

"Happy birthday!" Lara screamed as she was the first to spot the boys, but her excitement died down, which caused the rest to backtrack when they saw the mood the boys were in.

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