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They say all's fair
In love and war
But I won't need to fight it
We'll get it right...


TJ watched her stretch out her limps in a movement that reminded him of a cat's. She purred, snuggling close to her fluffy pillow, while saving her eyes from the wrath of the sunlight streaming in, despite the presence of draperies.

Her face was flushed, almost to the lightest shade of pink which was all courtesy of her new hairdo. The tiny, almost painful looking draw of her hair from it's scalp had him wincing. Each braid conspicuously neat, flashing him a glimpse of her scalp.

Her face albeit glowing, looked like it's had it's share of the pain dispensed by her hair. But above all, she looked angelic under the light's ray of sunshine. So angelic that he was almost compelled to run his hand across her flushed cheeks in a way that wouldn't be viewed as creepy.

Squinting uncomfortably under the light's invasion, she rolled to her side before wincing at the soreness of her limbs. Slowly, she welcomed the light into her eyes before blinking rapidly at it's harshness. Feeling that the light wasn't the only thing invading her privacy, her eyes snapped open in surprise.

It wasn't just a thing.

It was a being.

She fluttered her eyes rapidly, trying to block off the harsh light in her vision and same time see through the silhouette beside her.

TJ was staring back with a grin. His features looking well kept and fresh like he was just out of the shower. His calming scent filled the room once more, while his smile was enough to brighten her day. But he wasn't looking at her as he smiled, his eyes was somewhere else.

That was when she heard the click. Her eyes followed the sound that multiplied in seconds, leading her to the cellphone in his hand - taking shots of HER.

Her eyes widened in horror as she sat up, clutching the comforter close to her chest, before realizing that she was indeed modestly dressed.

"Stop!" She screamed sitting up.

He grinned, attacking her with endless clicks of the camera, which indicated that many shots had been taken. "Stop what?"

She narrowed her eyes at him. "TJ it's not funny. Stop taking pictures of me!"

"Why? I'm taking pictures of my beautiful girlfriend. Why should I stop."

She felt heat crawl up her cheeks, causing him to smile widely in return, before another click. She scrammed off the bed to her feet, snapping out of it.

"You take beautiful pictures TJ!" she snapped, lunging for the phone. "Not when I'm looking like this. Give me that phone!"

He shook his head, raising his hands up and beyond her reach. "Looking like what? You look beautiful." He grinned, having fun at her expense as she struggled to get a hold of the phone.

She might be tall, but compared to him she was a bit at the average side.

"Beautiful gini? I just woke up for christ sake!"

He looked down at her, narrowing his eyes in observation. "What's wrong with a little drool and bed prints? I love to capture rare undiluted moments."

Her eyes widened in horror as she furiously wiped at the corner of her lips.

"I don't drool, you idiot!"

He raised a brow. "You think?"

"You still look beautiful." He finished sparing her a wink that did nothing but rile her up.

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