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I wish I could escape
I don't wanna fake it
Wish I could erase it... 


Chimdi's eyes opened to the sunlit room, her body as stiff as a board.

The sunlight came through the window, bouncing around the big white space, making the reflexion so blinding.

Mornings in one of her Mother's numerous penthouses, made her feel as stale as a week old wheat bread.

Going to bed there had a routine. Sleeping with hopes of having no nightmare, which of course, never happened and waking up to a silent as hell, boring house.

Nightmare. Check.

Silent house. Not really.

She heard soft snores and fear gripped her. In a bid to turn, she figured out that she was being held back. Her right hand was held captive. She felt her heart beat, in an off tune thud, like a staccato applause.

Turning around, she came face to face with TJ, She let out a sigh.

He looked so calm, like a new born child with his mouth slightly open, frown lines, marring his face. Her hand securely wrapped in his.

Her heart warmed at the sight.

Events of last night came flooding back, she'd had a nightmare. The usual, except that Vladimir's face kept popping in.

She shuddered at the memory, halting herself from thinking further. But when she remembered the little act of kindness he showed her last night, shame took over her body.

She had been nothing but mean to him since they met, while he'd been nothing but caring. She felt herself tearing up.

How was she going to face him?

After he'd seen her without the fronting and the faux built up defence, she showed her friends. Her mind worked on its own, thinking of ways to fix the mess she'd put herself into.

Still lost in thought, her phone vibrated under the pillow.

"Hey Babe!" Nene's voice rang out once she received the call, she put the device out of her ear's reach immediately, wincing.

"Nice morning?" A calmer, sleep induced voice greeted too. She looked at her phone, it was a three way call.

"Lara bear! How you doing?" She exclaimed, excited. She was happy that she got to hear her friends. And at the same time, felt horrible for hiding so much from them.

"I'm good. You should be the one answering. How's your health?" Chimdi smiled, they were super caring to the core.

"Better now." She answered, which was partly the truth.

"I still can't believe the party got cancelled," Nene whined. "but that's okay. At least, you are better now."

"Hope you haven't killed TJ yet. Aww, the poor boy." Lara teased, making Chimdi to smile.

"Hey! I'm not that bad."

"Bitch, shut up! You are worse." The duo fired back, making her crack up.

"No jokes though, He's okay. We don't even have time to fight." Because he's been nothing but caring. She said, looking down at the boy as he slept peacefully.

"You mean, he's not coming back with a broken leg?" Nene teased, causing them to crack up again.

"Have you been talking to Elo. He's the only one with such thought!" Chimdi shot back, getting comfortable on a pillow.

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