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You're goin' straight
to my head and,
I'm headin' straight
for the edge...

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"Miss me?" She whispered, lips of petal softness, only a hair's breadth away from trailing down his jawline.

He felt the overwhelming rush of awareness, heard the sharp intake of his breath when she leaned in. Her dreamy scent of honey and citrus making him dizzy with want and desire.

"What do you think?" His voice came out more in a whisper, than a challenge.

"I think you should choose your words wisely Kodiri." He watched a smirk, make its way to her soft lips -- her eyes twinkling with enough mischief.

Overwhelmed with the need to get her close to him--to feel the willow slimness of her warm body, he drew her down so that she was straddling him, his eyes locking hers in a time stilling gaze. The sunlight bounced around the room, showering its rays on the girl sitting and smirking comfortably on his laps.

Her ancient eyes, speaking volumes -- daring him to stake his claim. "I think words are unnecessary sunshine," he whispered back, cradling her blemish free face in his hands, he leaned in. It was her turn to inhale.

"Tell me," her hips took to grinding slowly against him. He sucked in a sharp breath, watched the victorious smile taking its rightful position where it belonged. "What's better than words?"

She leaned in, breath tickling his face as he gulped loudly. Watching the glow of her skin so aeriform, just like a dream -- making him dizzy with want. Her touch, igniting a fire so fierce in him.

"Show me." She goaded, watching his eyes cloud with need and want. Her lips brushed his like a warm caress. "This?"

He leaned in, getting ready to bask in the glory that was her lips -- to drown into the soft caress of her touch...

Till he felt nothing.

Like the harsh plot of an illusion, he found himself getting drawn back to the wake of reality -- without her.

What the fuck!

He looked around him, he was alone in bed, wet beads dewing his skin. His eyes landed on his nature, standing tall and totally pissed. Strings of curses flew out his lips.

The sunlight streaming in, told him that it was broad daylight.

And I'm having a such dream? I think I need a diagnosis.

He groaned, reality hitting him hard in the face. He palmed his face, inhaling and exhaling at intervals to even his harsh breathing.

He couldn't get her out of his mind -- the scent of her, bringing with it everything soothing and therapeutic. Her eyes that held so much depth, urging him to take a closer look and come drown in them to unravel the enigma that she was -- they were still evergreen in his memory.

She'd not only claimed a whole space in his heart, but had taken to his dreams too. It had been three nights since he last spoke to her -- since he last heard her voice and he wanted nothing more than to hear her voice, listen to her talk about coming home.

He rolled off the bed, still clad in his briefs. The unfamiliar walls of black and grey, a good reminder that, he really was alone. The room was dead silent, the only sound he heard was the beating of his heart, like a staccato applause.

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