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Try instead of being honest,
They pretend sometimes
For their own sake.


Like a home Video is put to pause and played back, the students took their three seconds silence as Chimdi walked into the dining hall, before resuming their business.

No doubt, the news of what happened during Swim class had spread like wildfire on a harmattan noontide.

Obvious glances were directed her way, followed by not-so-low obvious whispers filling the air.

But Chimdi's mind was elsewhere. She felt the urge to cry, rebel, throw a fit, but couldn't attempt any.

"Now listen Dee." Her Mother had cut her short with a stern voice. She could feel her mother trying to act calm.

"You will go to Fiku and apologise. Tell her you were having a stressful school day understood?" she had nodded, and on realizing Ginika wasn't present, she whispered a tired.

"Yes ma."

Ginika proceeded, "Good girl. Now listen, the ANTM shoot is in three weeks and Antni wants you to be as fit as a fiddle that day. No disappointment Dee." Her voice was drenched in sweet venom. "That stomach of yours from abyss must flatten. Are we clear?"

"Yes ma."

"Be a good girl and pick dear Antni's calls. She misses her baby girl. You know I love you and doing the best for you." A morsel sized lump was stuck in Chimdi's throat. She was at the verge of breaking down.

She swallowed it.

"Yes ma."

"That's good. Be a good girl and do as I say. I'm sending a few to the school bank. Have fun."

The line went dead.

"Babes!" Lara shouted, snapping her out of her reverie.

"Um... Yeah?" She figured she was already seated.

"Should I add more stew?" Lara asked her, her face held genuine pity while her hands held a dishing spoon hovering over a small cooler.

"Not really, any how." She replied weakly, giving her a smile. Her appetite was missing anyway.

She turned to see eyes aimed her way. Jiki was the only one who knew how controlling her Mother was. Which wasn't even half the story. If only she could share more.

He gave her a reassuring smile before squeezing her hand.

"Did Miss Fiku threaten you?" Nene asked, passing her plate to her.

"Nope, I went to apologise. She said 'no qualms'." She gave them a weak smile.

"She deserves it though. The woman no get chills." Elo added, passing her two slices of his dodo (fried plantain). He never shared his dodo.

"I'll let you have these. I'm so Prada you." He tried lightening the mood, which half worked because they all laughed.

"That's right babes. You got fifty thousand likes in our legs and height IG post!" Lara half squealed, before passing Chimdi her phone.

She gave a smile and a squeal herself which earned an eye roll from TJ who had been silent the whole while.

"It's fifty thousand, two likes babes." She corrected, making them check it out together.

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