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Breaking all the rules,
So above the law,
I'll be your excuse.
And you go wrong, no.


In less than a few minutes,  Chimdi found herself facing the the biggest space she's ever seen at Pacesetters.

A vast area, secured by a dwarf fence with the aim of preventing accidents, overlooking a good measure of the school campus. Floor, marbled with broken tiles of various shapes and shades. Flower pots filled with strange nurtured plants, giving the space a homely look. At the other extreme were stacked empty mineral crates, pilled up in fours.

Nothing else was present asides she and TJ, with his backpack of course.

"Wow!" She exclaimed, landing firmly on her feet. "How the hell did you find this place. I've been here for like, five years and I didn't know about this place. How?" Her awestruck and pleased expression was all he needed, to know she was happy.

"Came here last month with the housemaster to drop off these crates," came his response as he pointed at the stacked crates.

"You guys climbed that scary ladder carrying these?"

"Nah," he replied, walking to her left. There, he tapped his foot on a spot, the sound making her aware the spot was made of wood instead. "We came through this place. There's a staircase leading up to the roof."

She nodded her head in understanding, "More like a secret stairway?"

"Nope, It's not exactly a big secret. Mr Olaitan is in charge of this place though." He explained, gesturing to the multiple plants varying from familiar to totally strange ones staring at them.

Being that the housemaster was one of Pacesetters agricultural science teachers. The man had a weird obsession with anything plantable.

She walked further into the vast space, taking in it's strange but comfortable aura.

The weather was perfect. The sun wasn't glaring brilliantly at mothernature and her inhabitants and neither was the blue sky waiting for the right moment to empty it's tear ducts. It was in the perfect atmospheric condition.

A cool afternoon air swept pass her, one that wasn't only refreshing to the body, but to the soul. She inhaled deeply, basking in it's therapeutic blessing for a few seconds.

"Do you come here often?" She asked out of the blue.

"Yep, this place is way too captivating to ignore you know,"

"I know right, there's nothing like a big space for oneself,"

"And a personal watch tower." He added.

She nodded, rocking on her heels, watching him search for something in his backpack "So you come here to get away from everything?"

"Trust me, you can't avoid life and it's hurdles by finding a secluded place to muse on your thoughts. I come here to avoid El's poor excuse of a music and to fly this baby," in his hand was the annoyingly familiar grey pack of the drone given to them by their cinematography teacher.

She glared at the devil's tool. The last time she'd tried to fly it, it almost gave her a cardiac as it made for a nearby tree. She was done with it, or so she thought.

"Hell no! I'm done with flying that." She declared with finality.

"Oh no, you're not," he countered, meeting her scowl with a smile of his.  "Actually, you're going to perfect your skill sunshine,"

She stared at him in disbelief, not believing that she had climb through the rickety rusting ladder to fly a drone.

A fucking drone!

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