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Some people are skies,
Some are oceans.
But you are the horizon,
Where everything
comes together.


"Woah! Nice dunk man!!" TJ nothing but surprised, exclaimed as Elo landed firmly on his feet.

Waiting to have a good laugh, he had stayed back, watching quietly and anticipating Elo's failure. But to his utmost surprise, the boy could dunk like a damn pro.

"Thanks man." Elo wiped perspiration off his temple.

"You've been here for long?" He asked, reaching for another inflated ball.

"Not much. You play so well man, for a guy who is, you know..."

Elo raised a brow

"Short?" Elo cut him short. Again, making a perfect throw.

"That's not really what I meant, but yeah... something like that."

"No shit, I've heard that so many times. I know I lack in the height department." He gave TJ his signature smile, showcasing his perfectly set dentals.

You sure don't lack in the teeth department.

TJ thought, returning his smile.

"You play?" Elo asked dribbling the ball.

"Obvi- yes."

Elo rolled his eyes causing TJ to laugh.

"Just that, I'm not really used to the question. Back in NYC, they pass ball and not ask. Especially when you're tall and black. It's like a birthright or something."

"Yeah, I get you. Growing up, it was like a tradition to play foot ball. The game seemed rough shaa and involved so much sand...you get?" Elo tried to explain.

Growing up, he was a skinny kid, lacking in height. His friends grew faster and moved faster as well in the fields. He couldn't give a swift pass to save his life and in return, got jeered for not being man enough.

Eight, Nine and Ten year old kids bragged about being men by kicking a ball perfectly well.

Junior secondary school, Elo walked up to the school's basket ball coach, and told him he wanted to join the team, but instead he got teased around and loud laughs and not try outs.

When he was done letting out how he truly felt to TJ, which he'd never done before. He felt light, like a weight had been lifted off him.

"Shit man. It must have been hard for you. So you just gave up on basket ball?" TJ slapped the ball out of his hands, dribbling it before sending it to the hoop.

Elo's silence said it all. Nothing killed a willing spirit more than discouragement from those one looked up to. Elo had expected Coach Anya to welcome him with open arms but got an opposite reaction.

It took him months to get over the rejection, focusing on keeping himself happy by drowning himself in the computer library where he indulged in software related activities.

But that didn't stop him from thinking about basket ball. He streamed basket ball related videos online, followed every basket ball related page on twitter and Instagram. And was content with that.

They played in silence before Elo noticed TJ wasn't being himself. Sometimes, he dribbled or bounced a ball way too long or missed at shots.

Elo cussed himself for being too selfish. He promised Tasie to be a friend and a brother to TJ. But he'd let his own issues take over.

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