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...the ravening clouds
shall not be long victorious.
They shall not long,
possess the sky...


Flowers looked the prettiest in a graveyard, Chimdi came to realize, as she stared at the gravestones stretched in neat lines, bunch of white roses held tightly in her hand as she stood beside Antni, eager and nervous at the same time at what she was about to do.

Beside her, Antni bent down, her manicured hands brushing aside dried leaves and dust, off the grave before them.

Chimdi watched her godmother take off the sunshades covering her eyes, to reveal a tear streaked eyes.

"I brought her with me today." Antni whispered, hands still hovering over the grave stone. "I'm sorry it took so much time Kachi. I'm so sorry you had to wait so long. Hopefully," she paused, sniffing in between. "Hopefully, it isn't too late."

With that, Antni stood up, gave Chimdi a light pat on her back. "I'll be waiting at the car Dee. Take your time." The woman left her standing there, handing over the reigns to her.

This time, Chimdi took a good look at the grave before her. Antni had told her that this was where her Mother was buried. Not Ginika, but the woman who had birthed her and who she was told, had given her life up for her to live. The thought of that still had the girl feeling goosebumps run down her body.

She'd lived sixteen years, oblivious to the real truth about her own existence and although she wanted to be angry at the world, at Ginika and Antni for making her live a lie but she couldn't. She just couldn't muster up the strength to contain any anger or emotion akin to it at the moment.

And that was why, she followed Antni's initial lead as she squatted down, the roses she'd been told was her Mother's favorite, clutched in her hands.

Here lies;
Onyedikachi Sera Gentry
Angel, Daughter, Sister and Friend
1982 - 2004
Rest on.

Was what the gravestone read.

Instinctively, her free hand went forward to trace the words carved on the marble stones, stopping to linger at the word that particularly caught her attention. Angel. She'd noticed that in place of Mother, Angel had been written instead.

And she'd wondered, a silent question lingering at the back of her mind. Have you been watching me? Protecting me?

However, in as much as she had a lot of questions to ask and things to say, she didn't know how to start or what to start with. That was why, gently, she laid the white roses on the marble stone, silent words of gratitude whispered like prayers before she stood up, hands tucked into the pockets of her grey denim jacket. Chimdi casted one last glance at the gravestone before taking her leave.

When the time was right, she would return with more than enough words at the tip of her tongue.

As she trekked down the path that led to where everyone was waiting, she couldn't help but notice how everyone came out for her.

Adaeze and Lara were waving at her, a happy smile that immediately rubbed off on her, stretching their lips. TJ, Jiki, Elo and Nene were hurdled together while Shola and Antni looked like they were having an important discussion.

The mere sight, had her insides all warmed up.

It had been a week since she got discharged from the hospital and a few days since the dawn of a new year, still, nothing had changed. She had the best people around her to call friends, family and huge support system and that was enough for her.

Her thoughts immediately added a bounce to her steps and with a smile stretching wide her face, she practically skipped her way to where their car was parked.

"Hi guys!" She called out, gaining their attention.

TJ's arms came around Chimdi's shoulders as he led her to their ride.

"How did it go?" He whispered amidst the joyful chaos that her friends were, at the moment.

She nodded, same time a relieved breath left her. "It was okay. I'm going to try my best to come to terms the changes."

His smile was warm as he took in her words. "Take your time and do everything at your own pace. I'll be here with you."

"And you have us too!" Nene sang out, her hands coming to rest on both their shoulders. "Guys! Dee and TJ are about to go all coupleschmukstic on us!"

Laughing, TJ removed himself from Nene's hold. "Beat it Nens."

"You know they're not the only couple here babe," Elo grinned, his brows wiggling suggestively at Nene. "We could get all coupleschmukstic on everyone if you want."

The darker girl let out a feigned exhausted sigh. "Keep your hands to yourself El!"

That had everyone having a good laugh.

"Second term better be good!" Nene said, same time a yawn escaped her lips. "It has to be," she continued. "We've already witnessed a lot, that would last us a life time."

"Yeah," Lara nodded almost quickly, concurring with the darker girl. "It should cut us some slacks and let us live a little."

"Alright!" Antni clapped her hands together to get their attention. "Whether the new term would be favourable or not depends on y'all and how you turn up for each other.  Remember, last term's shege has been successfully seen. Go make this new one your bitch!"

Her use of words had them laughing, while they merrily replied her, before going further to settle in their respective rides.

Chimdi found herself seated beside TJ at the passenger seat, with Antni and Jiki at the back. The rest had Omoshola driving them at the other car.

With their seatbelts in place, TJ turned to Chimdi, his warm hand lightly squeezing hers.


Her eyes took in the bright January sky, the sun was about to set and hues of orange and red streaked the clouds, highlighting mothernature's features, bringing life and light to Chimdi's face as she turned to face TJ.

Honestly, she didn't know what the new year, the term or even, the future held. However, she was certain that, she had people to fall back on if the future were to throw anything her way.

And that was why she smiled, her head resting comfortably on the car seat, before she replied.



The end

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