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We are the
Kings and queens
Seeking our aces out...


Chimdi never loved attention, but who was she to shy away from one, with a life like hers?

She placed a faux smile on her face, while the school staff came to congratulate her on her 'achievement'

But she'd been well groomed with the reality and true nature of humans.

They'd flaunt their faux feelings to you once you are successful. They never want to be left behind, any little chance they got at finding favours, their hands were always quick to grab.

Chimdi knew all the smiles, pats and hugs she received were all fake. Some of them had their own share of judging her. But she smiled anyway. She adjusted her blazer and pulled up her socks, as she made her way out of the staffroom.

The violent harmattan breeze hadn't calmed a bit. Nigerian weather was like that, whenever you need it, it becomes scarce.

Her black shoe was coated in dust and she bent to clean them, before retracting her hands, knowing fully well that, walking a little distance would still make them dusty.

Curse Harmattan.

She tugged again at her stockings when the breeze became more violent and kept walking.

She reached where Nene and Lara promised to wait for her, just to see additional company.

Elo was in his usual happy mood, unlike Jiki who constantly rolled his eyes at whatever the shorter boy said. She smiled when she finally reached them.

That was when she noticed a new face, the boy was dark skinned yet, his skin was clearer than theirs and his hair, a mop of thick black curls, cut low enough to look clean.

She felt his eyes on him as she gave in to Jiki's embrace.

To outsiders, Jiki was the overprotective boyfriend who wouldn't let the other boys get to chimdi. While in reality, he filled in the big brother role, shielding out the hormone crazed boys.

"Oshey Modella." Elo sang out, clearing an imaginary road for her.

She played along, sashaying to where he stood.

"Drumrolls please, Elo you're such a fool!"

The shorter boy rolled his eyes before enveloping her in a hug.

He sniffed her hair. "You are still using that Sheabutter nonsense." His nose scrunched in detest for the hair cream.

"Brand influencer duties." She sassed back.

The boy rolled his eyes, using his fingers to play with the curly ringlets of her luxuriant fro. "Still, that doesn't mean you should use it."

She glared at the shorter boy. "You should keep your opinions to yourself El. You don't know shit about hair maintenance."

Meanwhile, TJ felt out of place in the midst of people who were totally not in anyway familiar. He had to admit that though his father had told him of his non-existent friendship with Elo, the shorter boy still was a stranger in a sense. However, amidst the mini chaos going on at that moment, he felt he knew the skinny girl from someplace. He just couldn't figure out the exact place.

"Dee, did you grow taller?" Jiki teased Chimdi who was done arguing with Elo, hovering his hand an inch above her head.

Truly her short plaid skirt and long skinny legs made her look taller.

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