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But not half as impossible as everyone assumes
You are crying lightning.


Worrywarts and optimists were never a good mix.

Just as Lara looked as pale as the grey walls surrounding them, while pacing from pillar to post. Every action caused a nerve wrecked Chimdi to lose bits of her sanity.

"Do you think he's going to create a scene?" She gulped anxiously. "Will he hit him again this time?"

"Shut up Lara, Jeez!" Chimdi snapped, "Can't you focus on getting your shit together for once!"

If anything, Chimdi's outburst fueled Lara's anxiety the more.

They'd been unfortunate eyewitnesses to what their friend's father was capable of, the sight still evergreen in their memories.

"Chill Dee, don't vent your frustrations on her," Elo said, almost too calm to be considered his words. "Lara can't help but get antsy and you know it. "

Chimdi nodded, palm rubbing her face in utter frustration.

"I'm sorry Larabear," she respired, trying to get herself together.

She was having a hard time wrapping her head around what had happened the last few hours. First, Abike's outburst that had her feeling like she murdered the slender girl's damn cat in cold blood, then this.

A whirlwind of jumbled thoughts were happening in her mind, Lara's fret fest was the last strike to push her to the edge. She felt hands placed comfortably on her shoulder and the action alone was enough to calm her. She didn't need to be told whose hands it belonged to as she basked in it's assuring comfort.

The Clique were outside the guardian and counselor's office, nerve wrecked and total fusspots.

It felt like eons had passed since they stood outside the soundproof sepian door, hindering them from bursting their friend out of the devil's room itself. They were antsy to the core, only God knew what was happening behind the cursed door.

Nene and Elo stood apart, avoiding each other's gaze. Obviously, the previous event was still lurking it's ugly head around, while Abike looked compassionate for once.

"What are you students doing here?" A female teacher, clad in a poorly sewn Ankara fabric asked, cutting them off their worried state.

"Ma..." TJ began, when the rest didn't have anything reasonable formed up their thick skulls at the moment. "We're waiting for our friend."

The woman took them in, like she could see through them. With nose stuck in the air, acting like the wicked witch of the west.

"There's an important meeting going on in there at the moment. Come back later." She deadpanned, making her way smugly to the door.

"Get to class." She repeated when she found them still rooted at a place, not even moving an inch.

"Ma, we will wait till the meeting is over." Said Nene defiantly, not moving an inch.

The teacher narrowed her eyes at them, getting ready to pour out her heart felt annoyance when the door opened.

And out came Jiki's father, looking like a gazillion dollar in an all black two piece suit. Gold cufflinks and time piece on his wrist, looking like they cost quite a fortune, face as stoic as the devil's, scent as calming as an angel's.

As if on cue, the woman scurried away at his pensive gaze on her, while the clique stood still, breaths held, as they took in the devil's incarnate himself.

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