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Hi again.

It is with great joy and a sad heart that I bring to yall, the end of DEEPER.

This book holds a very special place in my heart that I'm getting so emotional saying goodbye to all my lovely characters. My siblings usually make jokes about not seeing the end of this book since it began as a spur of the moment thing.

I don't know if you guys are aware, but deeper was the result of a very boring banking law class where I'd been dared by my course mate to write something worth reading on Wattpad.

It wasn't anything serious. I was just about to take down the prologue and first chapter, when I got a text on wp here about how my first chapter was captivating. I can never forget that moment seriously. So I said, why not.

And here we are. At the end of a very bumpy ride, filled with a very uncertain storyline and randomly added characters. But we made it nonetheless.

I don't know how you guys feel about the last chapters though, if you checked my update, I had this chapter written before I even started publishing WALLFLOWER. I just wasn't satisfied with how it ended. In my opinion, it has lots of unfinished business with some characters.  But that's okay, I'm already planning on a SPIN-OFF. Since most of you were curious about Jiki's love life, this is going to get his story. Y'all are free to guess who his love interest is and what the title is, since they're kind of obvious.


Now, for gratitude!

Y'all are too much really. I lack the right words to say thank you in the way that sounds like how I feel. Right from the first chapter, to the times I struggled with my blocks and slumps. Y'all were there with me.

Those of you who couldn't wait till the end cos I was wasting so much time, I understand, I'd leave me too 😂. To those that stayed through it all, thanks so much for staying till the very end. And everyone, your comments, your votes and checkups really meant a lot. I love you guys like this, I love you guys like that, I love you guys like everything ❤️.
Up to the next, hopefully!


I came bearing good news!

Anyway, I'm just here, definitely passing 😂. But I'm here to let my beautiful old readers know that I'm working on a new book. And yes, it is teenfiction. A lovely one at that!

And my dears, it's called WALLFLOWER!

I'd love you guys to meet Soma and Didi. Especially, Didi. Come and learn how to chase fine boys in your area {Okay that came out wrongly😂}

And I love the thrill this book gives me, irrespective of project wahalas and stressful school works.

Hop along the savvy express!



❝He built himself the perfect barricade, and she brought with her, the perfect demolition tool❞

Introverted and certified loner sᴏᴍᴀᴅɪɴᴀ ɪʙɪᴀᴍ, loves his space, minds his business and hates the human race (okay, that's a bit far-fetched). He finds solace in getting untainted canvases bend to the will of the colorful strokes of his paint brushes or pencils and the four walls of his room. Fed up with the slow paced life she's living, never shy and free-spirited fireball, ᴄʜɪᴅɪɴᴍᴀ 'ᴅɪᴅɪ' ᴀᴊᴀʟᴀ is ready to get her hands on adventurous opportunities. Even if an opportunity comes in form of an 18y/o lone wolf with patience as thin as the thread binding her hair.

Except, Soma would be found dead indulging her.

However, Didi can be anything she sets her mind to be. And this time, she is trouble, carved out in capital letters. Or perhaps, she might be the one to show him that there is more to life beyond the four walls of his room and paint brushes.

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