398 140 2

The joy and the chaos,
the demons we're made of,
I'd be so lost if you left me alone.


"Are you sure you want to go there?" TJ asked, staring at his girlfriend's uncertain face as he dumped several bags inside the car's trunk.

She nodded almost quickly, pushing her  sunshade up the bridge of her nose. Her eyes, cautious behind the screen of her dark Ray-Bans, took in the rowdy parking space.

Someone might recognize me here. They spoke.

He sighed, shutting close the car trunk. "You said you needed to get away from home. Going there will be like leaving an enclosed space for another."

She went silent, totally ignoring him. Something she'd been doing ever since he succeeded in begging her into leaving the house. He'd seen it in her eyes- shame, guilt. She'd closed up like a lid, leaving him to only stare at an empty surface, while she wallowed in mysery, isolating herself from the living.

Her eyes devoid of emotions, empty, lifeless. He'd seen it before - survivor's coping mechanism. Milo had worn his like a cloak. Dead orbs telling the world to do it's worst, daring the world to make a move. He'd given up so easily and TJ non the wiser, had no idea of how to drag his best friend off the hallow pit.

But now... Now, not even the universe stood a chance. He wasn't letting her slip away from his grasps. He wasn't losing another important soul.

"Fine." He surrendered. Silence had won once more. "We'll go there. But I'll first ring the guys, they haven't seen you since morning." He pulled out his phone, dialing digits by heart.

And like a shot, her hands halted him from clicking on the dial button.

His eyes followed her skinny hands, which appeared more skinny as they clutched his wrist. Cold nibbled nose, wide dank stare, dry and pale lips greeted his view. The sight had his heart breaking into tiny pieces. Her stares were lost-- dead. No words uttered, words weren't needed to convey her message.

It was straight out clear. She didn't want him telling her friends where they were.

Secrets, upon secrets.

Piling up, fucking her over.

He exhaled, flashing her a soft smile before pocketing his cellphone.

"Okay. I'll just make sure these things don't spill over..."

Cold harmattan breeze swept past. High strung, thumping beats cut his words short. Red, green and gold illuminated the white mall. They were consumed by a spectrum of colours, before sounds found it's way out of the thumping street speakers.

Slow, steady and sure, it was made known through words, through colours - Christmas day was around the corner.

Marveled, he looked around, watching the shops surrounding the large mall come to life. Same time he didn't notice the adrenaline rush Chimdi felt as she let her feet lead the way. She followed, getting drawn to the white and blue truck, like a puppet on a string.

She trailed behind, basking in the comfort the melody coming from the truck, provided.

The groovy melodies that painted the perfection of infancy. The soft caress of the home-made threat, melting on her tongue, like a balm, reminding her of home. When the monsters were non-existent, when darkness hadn't engulfed their lives. When Antni would coo Bill Wither's words to her ears, muttering that life was going to be favourable soon. She never knew favourable meant infinite torture.

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