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So look me in the eyes
Tell me what you see
Perfect paradise
Tearing at the seams...


There was ruckus everywhere as Chimdi stepped out of the make-shift background, she felt hot, energy sapped and tasty. The aircon and fan in the room doing a poor job in keeping her cool.

When the noise increased, she traced its source, just to hear her Mother's voice, screaming orders while Antni opposed.

Funny, she thought, how Antni and Ginika never got along, but were always ready to work together when it came to making her life a living hell.

She caught sight of TJ who stared at the scenario with a bored expression and immediately regretted allowing him to come with her.

First, he saw her get embarrassed by Vladimir.

She groaned.

He had not only seen her get humiliated and bossed around, but has witnessed her Mother and Aunty at what they did best.

Bicker around like infants.

"Antni you can't tell me you are taking her to Abuja. We agreed that this was a one day shoot!" Ginika shouted, tapping away in her phone.

Like she cares.

"We don't have a choice. Aso rock was the only option G, so quit shouting!" Antni shot back.

Chimdi tried to process the information. All she heard was Abuja and Aso rock, then her name, nothing sounded intelligible. She inched closer to hear more.

"Then you make out an option Antni! My daughter is not going for an unprepared shoot on some rock! Provide an option!" Ginika snapped back.

Chimdi Scoffed. Same old routine.

Ginika acting like she cared.

Antni, objecting and opposing.

Things became clear to Chimdi.

She scowled as she heard Ginika talk about her well being like she deserved the best Mother award.

Rolling her eyes, she walked out, bracing herself for whatever drama her Mother had up her sleeve.

"That's my baby girl," Ginika cooed as she spotted her daughter, fooling everyone except her and Antni, who played along to the sick game.

"I've missed you baby. I was so busy this morning that I missed the first shoot." She continued, gathering Chimdi in a hug.

"Hope they are not stressing you?" Chimdi just nodded. Waiting impatiently for the show to come to an end.

"You look sick." She held her face. Well that was the only truth in her sick game. Chimdi did look and feel sick.

"Have you eaten? Hope it's something healthy?" Ginika continued, while Chimdi held back a scoff.

Chimdi nodded, and after the drama was over, walked back in to let them decide her fate once more. But not before sparing a glance TJ's way to see him, eyes focused on the camera draped around his neck. Relieved that he wasn't paying attention, she continued her journey.


Chimdi sat quietly in a tent at a location she was yet to know, while the crew set up the next background for her next shoot.

Turned out that Ginika and Antni's decision, brought them to a lonely beach with a lion tamer waiting outside for them.

She breathed in. It was just a shoot and she'd had one with animals before, a lion wouldn't be much to handle, she thought.

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