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Outside the bubble
Is the real deal life.
They like it out there...


The previous week moved faster than usian bolt himself, soon it was second week and normal lectures commenced.

While the last week moved with impressive speed, the present week crawled slower than a day old turtle, making students wonder if a day was ever going to come to an end.

Hours lasted longer than supposed and lecture periods seemed to never end.

It was in one of the French classes, which bored the hell out of everyone in SS3B that TJ looked out, just to sight Chimdi, surrounded by the girls in their class.

After their totally meaningless quarrel last week, they never spoke. They didn't really have much to say to each other though, except Chimdi's laser eyes aimed at him whenever their sights clashed.

He immediately redirected his focus to the board, as the French teacher, who dressed like she was going for a funeral wrote down words like oui and les on the white board.

French never piqued his interest, he preferred Spanish class to French class back at Barton prep and was just figuring out that Yes wasn't spelt wee but oui in French, by just staring at the board.

He thought of paying more attention, but to him, French was too boring a subject to pay attention to. He thought of how he missed his Spanish class even though, back at Barton Prep, he acted like he had zero interest in it.

He missed the free flow of words from Miss Fabio's tongue. Missed how Ruby and her friends tried their best to make their faux Spanish accent sound legit, while trying to impress their teacher.

Pity, Spanish wasn't offered in Pacesetters, French wouldn't have been substitute or the other three languages the rest of the students offered which he didn't have any knowledge of. Not even a teeny bit.

The bell signalling that the period was over rang, making students sigh out in utter relief.

The young cinematography Teacher entered and immediately lightened up their mood.

He set down his bag as they greeted him, and students who weren't offering French streamed inside the class room.

When they were settled, he took out his teaching materials, which included a small camera, a lens and other necessary materials. A smile on his face as he faced them once more.

"We are getting to the interesting part of being in cinematography class peeps. Buckle up." With that, he began his lecture on different parts of a camera, calling each student to Identify a part.

After the students were taught of several parts of a camera and their function, he set down the camera and marker.

"Class captain?" He called smugly, satisfied that he did a good work last class.

An unamused, annoyed Jiki walked out, sending daggers Chimdi's way. TJ smiled as she stuck out her tongue at Jiki.

She is a cute thing. He mused.

He shook it off.

"Did you compile the list of everyone in class?" Corp Morris cut him off his reverie.

Jiki nodded.

"I want everyone to be shared in group of two. Except you of course, you are to work with me and supervise the class." he nodded again.

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