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Sometimes we laugh and
Sometimes we cry.
But I guess you know now...


"You see, Nene had an unhealthy attraction towards Taylor Lautner."

"Crush idiot, it's called crush." The darker girl intervened.

"Shut up Nens, considering all you've done, you don't get to interrupt me. Anyway," Lara continued. "She had this stupid crush or whatever on him that she thought it was necessary for him to be the hero in every goddamn movie!"

"Of course! He deserved it! Did you see him in Lava girl and shark boy ?" Nene interrupted once again.

TJ hung to every word.

Lara glared at Nene. "For the last time Neneoma, shut your trap."

She faced TJ. "So, he didn't end up with Bella in 'twilight saga'. She just had to rip apart everything that reminded her of his loss in twilight, like she did my school bag and bedsheet!"

The darker girl sat up in protest. "I replaced them didn't I ?"

"Yeah, with toy story and frozen!"

Nene just shrugged. "At least it's better than having nothing."

Lara aimed fire and brimstone her way, before waving her off, causing Nene to take the center stage. Jiki raised a suggestively brow.

"I'm still wondering why you suddenly left Spicy Jacob,"

With fingers now twirling her luxuriant fro, she shrugged. "It was high time I let go."

Still Jiki looked unconvinced. Keeping his eyes on the darker girl, he took a swig of his citrus pulp. "Let me get this right, you just woke up on a very pleasant day and decided to do away with the useless infatuation?"

"It's called a crush!"

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever, crush, infatuation, they are still useless."

The darker girl sighed, using her hand to wipe off invincible perspiration, while they waited for her response.

It was unlike her to let go easily, let alone quit being a crazy fanatic. One she'd been holding unto over half a decade.

She didn't answer at first, she took her time, taking a sip of Elo's chi-exotic. "Come on, all of you! Have you seen him as of recent? He has gone from hot shot to cold sauce!" Her face was scrunched up in disgust. "He looks like he's gone on a calorie gobbling spree, hairy and shit!"

They let out unravelling 'oohs'

"Anyhoo," the darker girl continued. "I can't dote on him when he looks like a priced cow."

"That's body shaming Nens." Jiki cut in, in his usual bored tone.

"Ooh, that's nothing close to all the tongue lashing I've reserved for him for causing a third degree burn to my heart!"

"Maybe he has someone who really appreciates guys on the plus side." Lara chipped in.

Nene let out a sarcastic laugh. "Yeah she's prolly a blind bitch."

Jiki carefully chewed on his snack before speaking. "You know it's his body right? Not a public property. It's his choice to gain weight Nens. And if he is happy, you as a dedicated fan," he made an air quote to lay emphasis. "Should be happy too."

The rest ignored them, already used to their differing ways of reasoning, which always left Jiki at the winning end. Although winning was a far cry from what he usually had in mind, he just had a knack for speaking his mind and being totally honest about it.

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