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MOMENT OF TRUTH: JUST IN: Anonymous source reveals the truth behind 17th December 2017 saga.

Nothing can be hidden under the sun or in this case, under the December moon forever.

One of the intriguing yet, unsolved mysteries of the entertainment world, that we all thought was going to go with the involved parties to their various graves, has finally been solved.

X, an anonymous party had come to us claiming that 18 years old international model, Farouq Waziri, isn't only one of Africa's promising models and the fashion world's highlight of revolutionary fashion, but also a predator who preys on innocent rising Stars.

X when asked if her claims had concrete evidence backing them up, provided us with evidences, which told tales of how Farouq Waziri had approached her during her days at Paris fashion week, to her finally returning to Nigeria where he'd stalked and threatened her, saying thus and we quote. "Ruin her just like he did Chimdi Gentry." If she doesn't give him what he wants.

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