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Blank stares, faithless
Vampires at the same places
Shadows, traces...


"I feel like pounding her into a cake. So bad that her daddy dearest won't identify her carcass." Nene seethed, palm balled into a fist.

Chimdi rolled her eyes at her roommate. Hands separating several clothes and dumping a few into her hamper.

"Isn't that too deadly a thought Nens?"

"Bitch, you didna see what I saw," the darker girl shuddered. "Her hands were all over my oblivious El! And that bitch, that bitch was shooting a fucking Zee world drama." She sat down, ready to paint a perfect picture. "She was like some pretentious villian, claiming to be the damsel in distress in my fucking love story!!"

They were in their hostel room, getting ready for laundry since it was Friday. Heaps of colourful clothes were strewn around, the air thick with the chocking smell of cotton, making the room a far cry from it's usual spic-and-span look.

Lara palmed her face in defeat, tired of the darker girl's dramatical breakdown.

"Where does that leave you Nens, you are kinda making a mountain out of a mere hill right now."

Nene ignored her, flipping an imaginary hair aside. "I'm that bitchy protagonist Larabear. And trust me babe, we always bring life into the game."

Chimdi rolled her eyes, focus, back to separating her clothes.

Lara eyed the girl up, a pen scribbling into her jotter minutes ago, now between her digits. "Girl, you're overreacting and you know it."

The darker girl shook her head in disagreement. "What if it was really a misunderstanding on Aisha's part? You're going to wage a war over nothing, just because Aisha got involved?"

Nene scoffed, standing up to sit on her bedside desk. "Christ, you're sweet Lara but you're stupid. No offense though. You should be aware that nothing is actually a misunderstanding when it comes to Aisha Lawal, as long as the said victim has a dick."

She stretched her fingers to relieve it of it's static state. "El might have been oblivious to all that was happening and he'd prolly think it was all a misunderstanding. Aisha knows what she's doing."

Chimdi paused mid fold, glaring at the darker girl. "Then why the hell did you put him on a hot seat when he wasn't even close to knowing what was up?"

"Abeg, El is cute and shit but still a red-blooded male." Nene defended her actions.

Chimdi gawked at her like she grew literal balls. "Are you shitting me right now?"

"Listen bitch, I know how whores like Aisha get boys like sweet ol' El. So my action is justified,"

"Oh really?"

"Seriously Dee, it's all gonna start with a not-so-innocent thank you message till it graduates into can I get a dick pic please. El needs some fire to keep him on guard whenever he thinks of indulging her." She leaned on the thin wall, smiling satisfactorily.

Chimdi and Lara both shook their heads in disbelief. "Jeez Nene," Chimdi said. "You sound like a psycho!"

Nene sniggered, tired that they were being too straight-laced at that moment. "Oh please, you'd do worse if it involves TJ and you know it."

Chimdi shook her head almost too quick to seem genuine, heat crawled up her cheeks making it hard to give nothing away.

Nene clucked her tongue, gesturing towards Lara. "I knew it!"

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